All in all, at least at this stage, it's unlikely that online learning will evolve into the dominant form of education.
If early humans hadn't moved and intermingled as much as they did, they probably would have continued to evolve into different species.
It seems likely, then, that the traditional three-stage life will evolve into multiple stages containing two, three, or even more different careers.
Glimpses of soft feminine features evolve into men with handlebar mustaches and freckle-faced teenagers grinning through braces.
Just when did dinosaurs evolve into birds?
For example, analysis models typically evolve into design models.
The standard continued to evolve into NFSv3, defined by RFC 1813.
标准持续地演化为 NFSv3,在 RFC 1813 中有定义。
Plans to harmonise tax bases could too easily evolve into minimum tax rates.
How did animals the size of a goat evolve into the largest creatures on Earth?
Over 10 to 20 years, the renminbi [yuan] will evolve into a force in financial markets.
The column is destined to evolve into countless stars, and perhaps even generate some planets.
A model is at a specific level of abstraction, and it can evolve into lower levels of abstraction.
Libraries could well evolve into the resource the public USES to help manage their digital existence.
We each create “clouds” of our own tags which evolve into “folksonomies”, or home-made taxonomies of meaning.
我们每个人都制造了大量自己的标签。这些标签因此演变为“社会化分类,或协作分类”(folksonomies),或者演变成为某种“自己”的意义(类似 不折腾、抄底游、私享家等等词汇 )分类系统了。
Over time, the emergency fund could evolve into an institution that improves the euro area's fiscal co-ordination.
Five-dimensional black strings evolve into black holes connected by black string filaments, in this computer simulation.
The tiger then began to evolve into a unique species toward the end of the Pliocene epoch, about 3.2 million years ago.
To evolve into our current solar system, the original version probably had a fifth gas giant, computer simulations indicate.
Some technologies serve their purpose for a while, then either evolve into cheaper, faster, better forms or simply disappear.
Isn't nature saying, 'This clown doesn't know anything about evolution, so his daughter will evolve into an organism that does'?
To evolve into an efficient product delivery organization you need supporting technology that scales across your enterprise.
Men are just as guilty for letting themselves evolve into a chubby hubby and this gives women a get-out-of-dieting-free card.
So the simulation tested different initial arrangements of planets to see which would evolve into the solar system we know so well.
Glimpses of soft feminine features evolve into men with handlebar moustaches and freckle-faced teenagers grinning through braces.
But in order to produce the immense amount of difference among all living organisms, certain ones had to evolve into distinct species.
Hopefully the longer we're on this earth the more chances we've had to evolve into better human beings - inside, not just outside.
Rather, it was the message of brotherhood and love, and how we need to love each other so the world could evolve into a better place.
Bob Aiello believes configuration management (CM) will evolve into ALM, and the outlook is bright for those with these expanded skills.
Unable to fashion new stars, these satellites evolve into celestial retirement communities, inhabited by bald old stars and little else.
Unable to fashion new stars, these satellites evolve into celestial retirement communities, inhabited by bald old stars and little else.