We're delighted to see others forging ahead and crashing through the prejudices, but we shiver at the price it might exact in our own lives.
So, the both of them are one-sided and not exact in depicting user's interests.
The family into which she married was strict in its notions and exact in its ways.
How can any focus group be that exact in locking down the exact moment that they felt fear?
This way if you are not exact in your cutting, the white ink blends with the bag, leaving room for a few mistakes!
"The soldier... Of today is... A quiet, grave man, busied in charts, exact in sums, master of the art of tactics" (Walter Bagehot).
For this reason, the position of the locators on the ground does not have to be exact in terms of where the shadow starts and ends.
Although there are some other methods to derive the notation, the new method is more exact in mathematics and more clear in physics.
In fact, acquiring the exact meaning of number words is a painstaking process that takes children years.
This includes the name and exact date of the days, and all events in that period.
Often the foragers proceeded to the exact spot in the maze where the food had been.
Joly's calculations would have been more exact if he had collaborated with experts in other fields.
I have used all available resources on the internet to find and verify the exact height of the tallest building in every country.
It happened late last century—in 1895 to be exact.
When he closed his eyes, he could conjure up in exact colour almost every event of his life.
The machine was designed to be used in places like transport stations, airports and places of interest where quick and exact announcements are needed most.
It contains the same exact text written in three different alphabets: Greek, demotic, hieroglyphic.
Hutch Carpenter, almost Weinberg's exact opposite as an enterprise engineering platform executive and a dad in San Francisco, says he sees it that way too.
旧金山的哈奇·卡彭特(Hutch Carpenter )是一家企业的工程平台主管,已经当了爸爸,正好跟温伯格相对,他说他也是这样认为的。
In the rare chance that there is a microorganism that can make you sick on the exact spot where the food dropped, you can be fairly sure that the bug is on the food you are about to put in your mouth.
His experiments resulted in a new style that was almost exactly opposite the exact technique of the time.
The information was in an exact computer folder.
Impulsive spending isn't an option, so plan your week's menu in advance, making shopping lists for your ingredients in their exact quantities.
Gina is the exact opposite of her little sister, though they resemble each other in appearance.
The type of astrology that most western astrologers practice, horoscopic astrology, requires an exact birth time in order to work properly.
Or, to be more exact, in communications between the IT and marketing departments.
If you need time information in your code, verify whether you need the exact time in every case, or (for example) if accuracy to the nearest second would be sufficient.
To be more exact: growth in population and demand for food have both slowed down, but crop yields have slowed more.
Tom Clancy predicted this exact scenario in his 1991 potboiler The Sum of All Fears -- and it remains a perennial of public discussion.
We can't define it as an exact radius in terms of the definition we might think of classically.
We can't define it as an exact radius in terms of the definition we might think of classically.