The tester who performed the exact test scenario was unable to answer the question, because she "doesn't do load testing."
Based on the analysis of exact tested objects, the authors probe into the computer controlling system for automobile test line.
Machine vision is a kind of efficient and exact test method in the system of inspecting assembled quality of automobile synchronizing rings.
System test more easily verified fixes in an agile environment, due to defect turnaround time being faster and since the exact test environment was still in place.
This routine provides your test programs with the means to access the database, but it also shields the test programmers from having to deal with the exact semantics of the login procedure.
The exact command line you need to run the test suite varies widely from one project to the next.
If I were on a system where -lsun ought to provide getpwnam , I'd have been able to look at the exact command line used to check for it, and the test program used.
The exact abundances of the three lightest elements are an important test of the so-called Standard Model of physics-the list of fundamental particles found so far and the forces that link them.
For this test case, we have an equal verification point that looks for an exact match for the response message.
In fact, I encountered this exact situation while developing the code for the integration test example.
Some epileptics who don't respond to drugs undergo brain surgery. Before cutting, surgeons implant electrodes to determine the exact site of the problem and to test healthy regions.
There is no purer form of success; no more exact and demanding test of what you are capable of, than to achieve a desirable outcome.
It is an important method that the exact solutions of the heat conduction equations test the correctness of the numerical solutions.
The abrasion test is also carried out to evaluate whether the exact pressure is exactly transferred to the workpiece through the abrasives.
The result of the test match many literature and the data measured before. And it is exact.
The error analysis proves that this method can realize the exact identification of the structure boundary support stiffness if the modal test results are of enough accuracy.
An exact sample problem and iso-error maps are given to test the accuracy of the present method as well as two other commonly used ones.
I don't remember the exact symptoms and fix, but you can test that by simply creating a smart device project for the target SDK.
The advantage of this class is that I check if the control exists before returning the object to the actual test we have written, thereby giving the exact message as to what was not found.
It indicates that finite element simulation is feasible and exact through comparing between simulation result and test result.
We create a test script by capturing an exact sequence of exact keystrokes, mouse movements, or commands.
Comprehensive research correlation presented that the slime-tube displacement test was still the most exact and non-substitutable method of determining the MMP.
If cement plant labouratory use EXCEL program to deal with its huge database, the test will be more exact and timely.
Then three exact formulae for calculating the expected test time are derived and proved briefly equivalent each other.
In the testing process we should choose the proper test methods to measure the exact amount of water based on the actual situation.
A new method is introduced to determine the current density required for protecting an aged underground pipeline. The field test results show that this method is exact and practical.
In simulation test, the same test can be made times without number and results of test are more full-scale and exact.
Purpose To compute the exact p-value of Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test.
It is popular used in impedance test of line that will detect and find the exact location of faults i. e. of broken, mixture and soakage of wires.
It is popular used in impedance test of line that will detect and find the exact location of faults i. e. of broken, mixture and soakage of wires.