An example of case history shows that the prediction method developed in this paper can reach good results.
In the end, integrating the example of case of villa marketing, it tests and verifies the value and meaning.
As an example of case study, a pneumatic double dissepiments pump was evaluated to verify and analysis the method.
Results Actual use of the method for estimating sample size and the relationship between effect factors and sample size were illustrated by a example of case control family study of liver cancer.
For example, in the case of rape women were once too embarrassed to report the crime to a male dominated police force that was awash with sexist beliefs about women and their position in society.
Instead he describes the case as an example of a "total failure in health and safety procedures".
Dr Galvani looked at a classic example of a case where the best choice for the individual may not lead to an optimal outcome for society: vaccination.
他探究了一个案例中的一个典型的例子, 并发现对某些对个人好的事物可能并不会给社会带来同样好的结果,那便是接种疫苗的问题.
A more complicated and realistic example is examined in the case study section of this article.
This can be the case for aggregation calculations like in the bank example above but also in the case of reporting.
For example, in case of MAS and DCE servers, users are either given execute permission on all the methods in the interface or none at all.
An example in the case of SOA is the service collaboration view, which describes the behavior of services in an environment with other services.
For example, in the case of an entity relationship between a manager and an employee, the employees are managed by a single manager.
Not so in Schwarzenegger's case: he's an example of what is sometimes described as an endangered species, the moderate Republican.
Another example of legacy system limitations is the case of scheduled batch processes, which only run at fixed times.
As an example, he cites the case of the expatriate stopping a car that was going the wrong way on a one-way Guangzhou street.
For example, in the case of the vendor specific solution described earlier, if the discussion had instead happened within the WSTF, then more than one vendor could have participated.
For example, let's consider the relatively common case of MD5-hashing a file and determining the hex value of that hash.
打个比方,考虑比较常见的情况,使用MD 5哈希一个文件,并确定该哈希的十六进制值。
For example, in the case of transcontinental clusters I will sometimes use local repository pairs to overcome latency.
In the case of this example, you only have one parameter expected - the column expression - which will be one string.
For example, in the case of the system under test, time was a much higher priority than server space.
This is an example of a case where the message flowing on the HTTP response flow is not the response message the client was waiting for.
For example, in the case of a company making a purchase order, you'll often see a distinction between the billing address and the shipping address.
For an example of a case where a configuration file works better than annotations, I'll turn to the JiBX data binding framework -- my own pet classworking project.
作为配置文件比注释工作得好的示例,我将转用 JiBX数据绑定框架 —— 这是我自己喜欢的类处理框架。
For example, in the case of a triathlon the key could be the name of the triathlon.
For example, in the case of complex or composite services, the databases from which data is gathered may have two distinct views of customer, one including prospective customers, one not.
For example, in the case of compensating transaction failure you could send notification to the system administrator, or use messaging technology to retry these transactions at a later time.
Therefore, it can also be used to throw away any unsaved changes if you choose note to complete the session, for example, in case of a failure.
In the case of user profiles, for example, all attributes can be synchronized, or individual attributes can be selected.
In the case of this example, you want to merge together updates, combining the alternate title fields.
In the case of this example, you want to merge together updates, combining the alternate title fields.