She tilted her head. When she finished, she jerked her head forward, as if to punctuate her remarks with an exclamation point.
In addition, an exclamation point is often used as an iconographic symbol to express importance.
Figure 11 shows an example of the syntax validation error that occurs after you set the statement terminator to an exclamation point (!), and do not update an existing statement terminator.
But what is more controversial is the similar use of the exclamation point in marking methods that are "destructive" or "dangerous" in the sense that they modify their receivers.
Normal methods (those without the exclamation point at the end) modify and return a copy of the string they were invoked upon.
That’s why so many of these posts end in a question mark, not an exclamation point.
The exclamation point before the expression negates the elsif expression.
表达式前面的感叹号用于对elsif 表达式求反。
Each sentence ends with a silly exclamation point-he was young, he was cheerful, maybe he'd had a glass of wine.
The exclamation point methods modify the string which invokes the method.
The first thing you will notice is that our new project has a red exclamation point on it.
If you squint a little, you might even mistake it for the gold key and red circle with an exclamation point that JBuilder USES.
We began here so at this point in the story the next thing that's going to happen is this line called Print F that says swap exclamation point, right?
At this point the red exclamation point should should disappear and now we can run Felix.
"This is an emphatic exclamation point that Google is a mobile company," said Ben Schachter, an analyst with Macquarie Capital.
Quest items in a player's inventory which begin quests now each have an exclamation point overlaid on their ICONS to make them more easily identifiable.
Only those who aspire to high and unyielding and struggled to puts a question mark in their life journey into an exclamation point, finally draw a satisfactory full stop.
Quest givers who have available daily quests will have a blue exclamation point instead of a yellow one.
Each exclamation point indicates receipt of a reply.
The height of the exclamation point shall be at least half the height of the triangle, and be centered vertically in the triangle.
Is there any way we can remove the exclamation point on the colored one? That would make the coolest wallpaper ever!
James was stripped on the Cavs' next possession, and Gasol made two more free throws and scored on a putback as the Lakers put an exclamation point on one of their biggest wins this season.
After the chemotherapy came major surgery, which provided the exclamation point to whatever chemo was trying to tell me.
I think he's head simply not an exclamation point, and the mouse moved over there is no dialogue bubbles can occur, how is this going?
The exclamatory form emphasizes a statement (either declarative or imperative) with an exclamation point (!).
In addition flight masters that you have not yet gotten the flight point for will display on the minimap as a green exclamation point.
In addition flight masters that you have not yet gotten the flight point for will display on the minimap as a green exclamation point.