A silver Rolex peeks out from under his cuff, and a vertical strip of white beard drops down from his lower lip like an exclamation mark.
Note that an exclamation mark -! -separates plug-in parameters.
Period, exclamation marks, period, question mark, comma, colon.
To specify an exclusion mask, prefix the mask with an exclamation mark !
The blue exclamation mark indicates that an implementation hasn't been created yet.
A person that can give you a mission will have an exclamation mark icon above his head.
However, doing so will make AVG icon in system tray to have a red exclamation mark on it.
For example, if you see a sing on the road with a big exclamation mark, what does it mean?
The exclamation mark is used to separate sections of matched pattern. See "Pattern Match Results" below.
It begins with a capital letter and ends with either a full stop ., question mark ? or exclamation mark !
The yellow exclamation mark indicates that this component is the bottleneck for the whole chain (see Figure 7).
(exclamation mark) and provide: n, where 0 refers to the command name, 1 refers to the first argument, and so on.
Exclamation mark is a warrior drops of blood in the climb on the road, is also a coward disappointed when flowing tears.
Once you're sure that the optional does contain a value, you can access its underlying value by adding an exclamation mark !
The exclamation mark is an escape character that lets you issue operating system commands from either interactive input mode or batch mode.
What Alisa needs is only victory, and the exclamation mark is a tribute to her courage and desire to continue fighting without the rook!
A silver Rolex peeks out from under his cuff, and a vertical strip of white soul patch drops down from his lower lip like an exclamation mark.
Of course, Taishan orchestral instrument not only produces clarinet, oboe, trombone, trumpet, horn and tuba, and also has exclamation mark!
The magnificently ebullient and plus-sized fashion editor created pages in her image and complained that every exclamation mark I deleted was a smile lost.
So it is recommendable to provide a meaningful text label (" OK "vs." Alarm ") or a symbol (checkmark vs. exclamation mark) in addition to the color coding.
“警告”,或符号“对号”vs .“感叹号”代替有色码。
In the program there are two important items without which configuration program work is not possible, they are marked with an exclamation mark on the left.
If required inputs aren't provided, the flow will indicate that it is not ready to be run by displaying an exclamation mark (!) on the offending activity in the flow editor.
The exclamation mark trick makes life easier by reducing the number of clicks or key-presses it would require to otherwise test a command and then return to the man page.
You might have also noticed the exclamation mark in front of the db2start command, which is not a CLP command, but a system command that you issue from an operating system prompt.
You may not be a beautiful words, an eye-catching sentences, an exclamation mark, but you are still the life of a three-dimensional psa syllable, a pause and an indispensable component.
The second most common emoji was the long awaited 'middle finger', the 'heavy heart exclamation mark ornament' came in seventh and the rainbow horned unicorn is the 10th most commonly used.
The second most common emoji was the long awaited 'middle finger', the 'heavy heart exclamation mark ornament' came in seventh and the rainbow horned unicorn is the 10th most commonly used.