Keep in mind this is a professional degree and executive education model that is intended to be designed for people who are themselves working full time and still taking classes full time.
What is the hourly or weekly pay for a women top clerk or a young professional executive woman in Shanghai and Guangzhou?
In the second part some key concepts were explained, such as profession, professionalizing, professional deans etc and then the professional dean and professional executive were compared further.
Professional manager Dr. Gao Qunyao, Chief Executive of Microsoft (China), used his personal experience to show that in real life the boundary between entrepreneurs and professional managers is vague.
Chief Executive of Microsoft (China), used his personal experience to show that in real life the boundary between entrepreneurs and professional managers is vague.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, executive or professional, the consultants of Wall Street will analyse your background free of charge and assess whether you meet the application requirements.
Max-Value is a professional provider of senior-level executive search and consulting services, including talents' recruitment, assessment and professional planning.
The executive body of the professional associations shall be elected by its members and shall exercise its functions without external interference.
Has a high-quality professional staff, and invited experts price and other economic fields as executive consultant.
The restaurant manager and executive chef have bountiful professional experience in the catering industry, both having experience in a five – star hotel in Beijing.
DISCERN is a professional executive search consulting company specialized in the mid and high level positions. Our executive search service covers the whole China based in the South China.
TalentBank Consulting Ltd. is a professional executive search firm with a focus on High-Tech and Consulting companies. Our clients are all fortune-500-companies. TalentBank Consulting Ltd.
Founded in 1996, Gen Enterprise management Consulting co., Ltd. is a professional executive search company specializing in intermediate and high class management talent sourcing service.
We have more than 280 employees which above 80% are from university and secondary school, 25 staffs of executive group and more than 40 of professional technicians.
公司现有员工280余人,80%以上为大中专学历, 中高层管理人员25人,专业技术人员40余人。
We have more than 280 employees which above 80% are from university and secondary school, 25 staffs of executive group and more than 40 of professional technicians.
公司现有员工280余人,80%以上为大中专学历, 中高层管理人员25人,专业技术人员40余人。