"The Supreme Court has been really strong on First Amendment rights," said Margot Kaminski, executive director of the Information Society Project at Yale Law School.
Both differ, too, from a draft law proposed by the European Commission, Europe's executive branch.
Between 1998 and 2009, big law firms’ hourly rates shot up by more than 65%, according to the Corporate Executive Board, a consultancy.
At the end of May, to comply with the law, Alcatel-Lucent, a maker of telecoms gear, changed its contract with its chief executive, Patricia Russo.
五月末,依据法律,Alcatel-Lucent 一家通讯设备零件制造商和它的首席执行官PatriciaRusso修改了雇用合同。
The Executive is not to be the administrator of specific laws, but the formulator of policies, decrees and rulings which will have the force of law.
"If we hadn't had the Swedish pool to draw from, the law would have been far more difficult for us," says a senior executive at the firm.
Neal Baer is the Executive Producer of the NBC hit series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and one of the original writers on ER .
According to the company Law, a limited liability company with relatively small number of shareholders and a relatively small scale may have one executive director.
Hodge, the executive director of the Centers for Law and the Public's Health, said there are risks of patient backlash if authorities say too much.
At the subject of application, solve the separation of executive subject and subject of law enforcement fixedly, as well as the construction of volunteer ranks.
Thirdly, the "over-separation" between the national tax law and international business accounting rule result in enhancement of the burden of taxation and the executive cost.
Questioning the legitimacy of the administrative power, which has become a fundamental proposition of administrative law, constitutes the moral foundation of the legitimacy of the executive power.
This leader means the dominating effect and influence of one country or country-group on the regional cooperation, instead the owner-slaver relationship regulated by law or executive.
The relationship between executive pay and company size also obeys a power law: companies twice the size tend to pay their chief executives roughly 25% more.
Although be opposite executive existence of law a variety of doubt, industry still applauds sound is ceaseless.
Men who in executive positions actively participated in the enforcement these laws illegal even under German law.
The administrative act of interaction is the main type and fashion of executive act to realize the function and the merit of the administrative law.
In the administrative law stipulates wants the type administrative action is manifestation which carries on to the executive power controls specially.
Second, a simple cognizance to the law foundation in the law applicable of the Administrative Law by court, without attention to the objective fact of the applicable law to the executive branches.
However, there are many problems in Executive Stock Option. For example, there is obstacle about people consciousness and law, which weaken long inspiration effect of Executive Stock Option.
Astonishingly, the head of risk reported not to Mr Prince or the board, but to a newly hired executive with a background in corporate-governance law, not cutting-edge finance.
It is appropriate and should be insisted that the effects of notarization are divided into the evidence potency, executive force and effect of substantial law.
For example, let us examine the case of two secretaries: one is an executive secretary for the President of a firm and the other is a legal secretary for a law firm.
For example, let us examine the case of two secretaries: one is an executive secretary for the President of a firm and the other is a legal secretary for a law firm.