The World Bank Board of Executive Directors is considering initiatives to provide risk management tools to poor countries faced by drought and other catastrophes.
The German group said: "the supervisory board has come to a mutual agreement with the spokesman of the management board, Leo Apotheker, not to extend his contract as an executive board member."
At some companies, the cuts affect only executive and senior management levels, but many others are adopting an across-the-board approach or tiered salary reductions.
Management presented the report of the Working Group to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors at an informal meeting on January 22.
BP spokesman said: 'Tony Hayward is the chief executive and has the confidence of the board and senior management.'
But I do not consider it appropriate to seek power and right balance both in the power institute of a JV, the Board and in the executive institute, the management department.
但本人认为同时在合资企业的权力机构- - -董事会与经营管理机构- - - - -经理层寻找权力与权利的平衡却并不适宜。
In addition, the Management Board and the Executive Committee will reduce their potential 2016 short-term cash incentive by 50%.
In addition, the Management Board and the Executive Committee will reduce their potential 2016 short-term cash incentive by 50%.