It's a "theology" (and practice) from the executive suite to the sales force and everyone in between.
Everybody, from the executive suite downward, wants to fluff up their resume as a hedge against being sacked.
There is a choice of Superior Room, Deluxe Room, Junior Suite and Executive Suite, backed with 24-hour service.
The official presentation will take place on Thursday, April 21 in the Executive Suite at the San Siro stadium.
The hotel possesses executive suite, Commercial single room and standard double room, having 168 rooms and 265 beds.
Conversely, excessive pessimism could lead to empty shelves, disappointed customers and red faces in the executive suite.
Mindful of this, European countries are passing laws that would force companies to promote more women to the executive suite.
To keep close tabs, Page moved his office and much of the executive suite to the building where the Google + team was sequestered.
为了密切跟踪项目进度,佩奇甚至把办公室和高管团队的主力都搬到Google +团队所在的大楼。
The executive suite features custom-made furniture and high-end fittings, whereas architectural elements recur in the interior design.
Installing Mr Crittenden adds depth to Citi's executive suite, and he is busy working on a cost-cutting initiative, to be unveiled this spring.
The 25th-floor executive suite at Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta, from which Kent, 57, runs the company, resembles the oversized living room of a new-South mansion.
In an effort like this, employees need Allies at all levels to help demonstrate that bad habits developed in the executive suite can wreak havoc when rolled out to an entire company.
The guest rooms have Standard rooms, executive suites, deluxe suites and Wonder suite. The guest rooms are equipped with central air conditioning bar, IDD, broadband Internet service, etc.
Most are commercial bankers who have spent their careers working steadily through the branches rather than boarding the express lift from the bond-trading floor straight up to the executive suite.
For example, offer a traditional guest room and then an executive level room, or non-view and view rooms; or a room versus a suite.
There are a total of 79 rooms in the hotel. 70 Executive rooms, 1 Disables, 1 Executive Senior Suite, 3 Junior Suites, 4 Deluxe Suites are waiting to be visited by you.
There are a total of 79 rooms in the hotel. 70 Executive rooms, 1 Disables, 1 Executive Senior Suite, 3 Junior Suites, 4 Deluxe Suites are waiting to be visited by you.