The executive summary is just like what a manager would read to get a general idea of your report if he was in a hurry.
Presenting a sloppy or confusing executive summary is like going to a loan interview in a dirty old pair of shorts, or even worse.
One thing you have to remember is that in a marketing report, you've got to have what they call an executive summary at the beginning.
The lecture notes contain an executive summary of each class.
Start with an executive summary, based on what you know about the TIMS project so far.
The executive summary should be short; two pages are great, more than four are too much.
Rising Vacancy Rates Driven Entirely by Obsolescence of Secondary Space eXeCUtiVe sUMMarY?
The executive summary is a short abstract of the business plan designed to grab the reader’s attention.
The executive summary is a short abstract of the business plan designed to grab the reader's attention.
The Executive Summary offers synopsis of the business plan, and highlights the key points raised within.
His last report had four calculation errors and was missing the executive summary for which you had asked.
Each business plan is limited to 15 word-processed and single-spaced pages, including the executive summary.
Create a 5-7 page executive summary describing the opportunity and the competitive landscape of the segment.
制作一份5 - 7页的执行摘要,内容叙述此商业机会及此部份相关的竞争状况。
Some don't include an executive summary, or a section with details about recommendations for the next quarter.
At the beginning of the meeting one of the investors asked me to hand him a one-page executive summary review.
In addition to the required one-page summary, your report should include an additional two-page executive summary.
Executive Summary and Synthesis of Findings from McKinsey and Company, How IT Enables Productivity Growth, Oct. 2002.
Instead, Seidel recommends an "executive summary" paragraph that concisely sums up your major career achievements so far.
Your executive summary is far too long. Please shorten it to one page and only highlight the main points of your business plan.
The executive summary should highlight the key findings, both positive and negative, and identify opportunities for improvement.
If it's part of an executive summary or deck, this is harder but at least a few screenshots of the key experience flow are helpful.
Personal Skills Report on Leadership and Change Profile Executive Summary Youth the the critical period for leadership development.
SYNOPSIS: Official executive summary of "Incidence of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crashes by Hybrid Electric Passenger Vehicles" study.
Maximum length 5000 words - around 12 pages - not including the header page, executive summary, table of contents and any appendices.
For example, although the Executive Summary comes as the first section of a business plan, we recommend writing it after everything else is done.
Figure 6: A poster-size (36 x 24 inch) executive summary of the value stream model presented in this article is available at the download link below.
Create a 5-7 page executive summary describing the business model, the company's competitive challenges and why the company is or was not sustainable.
制作一份5 - 7页的执行摘要,内容叙述此商业模式、此公司所面临的竞争挑战及此公司是否支撑下来。
In the translation of the executive summary, the last line referring to a "highly skilled workforce" was translated into a word meaning "an army of labour".
In the translation of the executive summary, the last line referring to a "highly skilled workforce" was translated into a word meaning "an army of labour".