The service life of M16 hexagon trimming dies was extended remarkably by means of analyzing the exerted force and optimizing the materials of die.
This angle causes more force to be exerted against the carabiner as every climber is lowered, and this force causes the rope biner on the first draw to wear faster than other draws.
The higher it climbs, the greater the force exerted by blood on the walks of the arteries when the heart beats.
Pressure is different from force — pressure takes into account the area over which a force is exerted.
The nature of the shape is such that force exerted on any point or side is distributed over the rest of the structure.
Hopefully most of you know that the electric field is a vector field that basically tells you what kind of force will be exerted on a charged particle that you put in it.
Fluid shear is the mechanical force exerted by the movement of fluids over cell surfaces and has been found to play an important role in cellular differentiation, development and function.
The newton, named after the physicist Isaac Newton, is approximately the force exerted by gravity on an apple at the Earth’s surface.
I want to remind you that if we have a solid in a force field, we can measure the torque exerted by the force on the solid.
Calculations based on the animal's jaw bones suggest it could have bitten into its prey with a force of 150 kilonewtons, or four times the force thought to be exerted by the jaws of a T. rex.
The surface force per unit area exerted at the top of a wellbore when it is closed at either the Christmas tree or the BOP stack.
The force and moment exerted on the solid body are expressed as the rate of change of the first-and second-order kinetic vorticity moments, respectively.
If a box weighs 10 kilograms, an upward force of 10 kilograms must be exerted to lift it.
If you fall 3 meters, the earth is pulled you down 3 meters, but you have also exerted an equal and opposite force on the earth.
A force is exerted on the magnetic bead using a magnetic field, enabling researchers to pull and rotate a single DNA molecule in a controlled fashion.
The computational equations of the charge and force exerted on the particles are presented for the bi-objective model, which will lead the infeasible particles to transform into feasible ones.
The piston head or "crown" is the top surface against which the explosive force is exerted.
Since a bending force is exerted on the pipe during break out, the tool joint connection must be set in the slips as low as possible.
This pressure rise is so great that a force is exerted upon the top of the piston that is sufficient to force the piston all the way down the cylinder.
Based on turning with inclined large cutting edge, a certain pulling force is exerted on chips in the flow chip plane to perform chip - pulling machining.
On this basis, force or displacement load is exerted to find a reasonable adjusting method, in the way the surface figure requirement can be met.
The testing bench for the inspection of the locomotive body and coil springs is developed in order to balance evenly the force exerted on the secondary springs.
The pneumatic muscle is ideal when used for the actuation of a small press, because a high force is exerted via a short stroke.
They are reinforced to resist the sideways force exerted by the liquid in these containers.
In order to achieve above-mentioned purpose, there must be suitable nodal structural forms to guarantee enough pre-stress force exerted and make the forming of the continuous stress circuit possible.
The higher it climbs, the greater the force exerted by blood on the walls of the arteries when the heart beats.
The issues, inverse dynamics, trajectory tracking, load distribution and maximum dynamic contact force exerted on the environment, have been discussed through numerical simulations.
The actuators are engaged with a closing force in excess of the force exerted by the sheeted material against the rollers thereby ensuring that the rollers maintain a gap of fixed width.
The sluice pier of the reservoir is a concrete structure of big volume with complex shape, force exerted and boundary condition.
The sluice pier of the reservoir is a concrete structure of big volume with complex shape, force exerted and boundary condition.