Inspiratory time is measured from the beginning of inspiration to the beginning of exhalation.
Exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation. The absolute time you spend on each phase is not important; the ratio of 4-7-8 is important.
Stay for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then release with an exhalation, return to the starting position, and repeat to the left for the same length of time.
Exhalation % takes twice as long as inhalation. The absolute time you spend on each phase is not important; the ratio of 4-7-8 is important.
Over time, the length and intensity of the inhalation and exhalation should increase, such that the increased stretching of the breath initiates the increased stretching of the body.
Come down with an exhalation, without losing the lift of the shoulder blades, with both feet touching the floor at the same time.
Come down with an exhalation, without losing the lift of the shoulder blades, with both feet touching the floor at the same time.