Applied to Automatic Control Valves the exhaust pipe auto exhaust valve should be installed on top of the water cycle, the gas readily forms place.
This paper analyzes the formation mechanism of water in exhaust pipe, factors of water content from the exhaust and puts forward measures of regulating and controlling the water of the exhaust.
The sea water is carried along with the exhaust from the water-lift chamber out the exhaust pipe.
Vehicles must not shift when wade and the throttle, this will cause exhaust pipe water, thus cause the engine damage.
Suspected of sharing of water by the pool on the water valve into the pool the pool is connected with the fire from the exhaust pipe.
The water pipe set inside the smoke pipe (5) increases the heat transmission area, cooling down the exhaust temperature.
水管设在烟管(5)内增加了烟道中的传热面 积,使排出烟的温度降低;
The vertical section of the exhaust pipe immediately following the sea water entrainment must be straight. Elbows or other changes in direction will cause the sea water to drop out of suspension.
A layout for an exhaust pipe which also serves as a drainage pipe which prevents splashing of water generated in a fuel cell toward a passenger or splashing toward a tire.
提供一种具有排水构造的燃料电池摩托车,其研究将由燃料电池生 成的水向车身外排出的排水口的设计,使水不会飞溅到车轮或乘员的脚 等上。
A layout for an exhaust pipe which also serves as a drainage pipe which prevents splashing of water generated in a fuel cell toward a passenger or splashing toward a tire.
提供一种具有排水构造的燃料电池摩托车,其研究将由燃料电池生 成的水向车身外排出的排水口的设计,使水不会飞溅到车轮或乘员的脚 等上。