The Fair boasted an exhibition area of 103, 500sqm. There were four specialized exhibition areas with 5, 346 standard booths and over 3, 500 enterprises.
Spaces include an exhibition area topped by a large circular skylight, and two more therapy rooms.
New manufacturing processes and production machinery for silicon and thin-film technology were showcased on the 65,000 sqm exhibition area.
The upper level contains a cafe, administration areas and an exhibition area, while the lower floor contains a multi-purpose gallery and a study room.
Space color steady does not lose the light, the visual focus exhibition area in the sand table, visual experience a rich and flexible.
The auditorium, with an exhibition area that serves as a foyer, is located in the basement, with ventilation and lighting on the west side, with room for up to 80 people.
Hanging rails are integrated into the wood-lined walkways surrounding the atrium, giving the museum the opportunity to use the circulation space as an extra exhibition area.
To enjoy never-found-again spiral landscape on this last land around the conference & exhibition area.
In addition to the main exhibition area, the Museum has space for temporary exhibitions, a 400-seat auditorium, a cafe, a restaurant and a gift shop.
The comprehensive exhibition area on the first floor is used for company introduction, coffee drinking, smart home experience, conference and large-scale lecture.
Mr. Tony Fort, Welcome to our showroom, Please visit our export exhibition area at first.
This is the exhibition area of the whole area of Daqing, this optical fiber regional hanging sand table displays the spatial distribution of urban areas in Daqing municipality.
It was proposed the construction of a new volume that would work as an element of transition and integration between the exterior public area and the exhibition area in the old building.
For the exhibits, LED Road lamp aced for 50% of the exhibits51% of exhibition area, it shows that the 2009 Beijing Road lamp Expo is a successprofessional event in road lamp.
This meets the area required for the operation of a specialized library and an exhibition area that should be in a controlled climate, protected from the weather.
You will see current construction achievements of the transport system of Daqing in the exhibition area of transport planning.
Inside, a glass-enclosed "forum" space at the centre of the ground floor will enable views of the verdant campus, and will serve as a lecture hall and exhibition area.
Two bridges spanning the glass-covered intermediate space connect the exhibition area with the southern element.
This is the time tunnel, and we are walking into the exhibition area of overall planning.
The second floor of the shop is a small exhibition area, mainly set for artists' paintings or well designed home decoration.
Brightly colored booths promoting mobility and collaboration technologies pack the exhibition area.
Through the crystal models in the front of the exhibition area, we can see the scope of Daqing urban area composed by five districts and four counties.
The existing space of the exhibition area has been transformed into a single fluid uninterrupted landscape that connects through the white individual fragments (projection stands) and clusters.
Such Chinese traditional sports and cultural exhibition articles as Taiji fan are displayed in the Chinese Folk Custom & Culture Exhibition Area.
We took the escalator that brought us from the ground floor to the top floor and started the visit following a circular route through every exhibition area.
The photosynthesis of the tropical rainforest plant in the exhibition area with weak artificial illumination in Shanghai Science & Technology Museum was studied.
Note: the exhibition space will be divided by the type of exhibits. To ensure the effect of display, please select your exhibition area correctly.
Note: the exhibition space will be divided by the type of exhibits. To ensure the effect of display, please select your exhibition area correctly.