Since the beginning of creation, CHIC organizers put the "guiding China's progress in the apparel industry, promote the development of Chinese clothing brand" as the exhibition purposes.
The space ACTS not only for architecture, interior or graphic design, but also for lots of other purposes, fashion show, art exhibition, cocktail lounges, professional lectures, etc.
One of the main purposes of this exhibition is to encourage and inspire the audience to embark on an active creation based upon personal experience of ARTMIA Living.
Virtual technology widely used in simulation and human-computer interaction, but the virtual exhibition studies for commercial purposes, especially for Convention and exhibition is not mature yet.
Such locks must have only been made for exhibition or display purposes, because the sheer number of slides produces a huge & impractical key.
The participant may request for additional facilities and services for the purposes of the Exhibition, such as interpretation service, upon or after submission of the Application Form.
Through this phenomenon, we see the broad sense of "exhibition", which not only appears, but also presents, appreciates the value embedded in the choice of the equipment works for different purposes.
Therefore, new exhibition buildings for business purposes are springing up all the time in various parts of the country as the infrastructures of urban construction improve on a large scale.
Therefore, new exhibition buildings for business purposes are springing up all the time in various parts of the country as the infrastructures of urban construction improve on a large scale.