A genuine rebel army would put further pressure on Gaddafi, who would know that he faced death at its hands, and would push him toward some kind of exit.
After cooler out at the exit of compressed air temperature should be saturated steam, and air temperature should be pressure of compressed air condensation point.
Input is simply a list of propellant ingredients, as well as chamber pressure and nozzle exit pressure.
Changes of sidewall sweep Angle and cowl position can influence inlet performance such as mass capture, total pressure recovery coefficient and uniformity of isolator exit flow field.
And three-dimensional sidewall compression inlet with 25 percent cowl position has high mass capture and total pressure recovery coefficient and isolator exit flow flied is homogeneous.
Eventually we will have lowered the back pressure enough so that it is now equal to the pressure at the nozzle exit.
The faster its exit, the lower the air pressure beneath the car, and hence the more downforce the car generates.
Furthermore, a reduction correction method is built to promote convergence to boundary condition of exit pressure.
This paper introduces the parameter estimation research for the turbine inlet temperature and compressor exit pressure by using the engine variables measured under the different flight conditions.
Using resistance strain gage, dynamic pressure sensor, slip ring and tape recorder, the blade vibration strain and exit pressure signals of rotor blades are recorded and then processed.
In the experimental study, the pressure surge data are acquired at 26 points from the taper pipe intake to the draft tube exit distributing at 8 sections under 6 stable operating conditions.
Test results show lower exit average total pressure recovery, larger circumferential total pressure distortion and stronger and more irregular secondary flow.
The distributions of the pressure, the front tension stress, the back tension stress and the exit lateral displacement of each pass are given out.
In some systems, fuel not used by the fuel cell stack is discharged through at least one exit orifice at an exit pressure.
The discrete vortex method was adopted to simulate and analyze the vortex structure and pressure distribution of the flow field at the nozzle exit.
Based on the combination of theory and empirical data, defined the thermal flux, exit temperature and pressure of the experimental bench, and so on.
Passenger vehicle one-way control, separation of the entrance and exit, benefit for reducing the pressure on the surrounding traffic.
The influence of the bite, the entrance and exit elastic deformation and the roller both ends contact pressure is considered. The formula is convenient and precise.
The compressor exit total pressure is adopted as a characteristic signal to detect surges. An ar (autoregressive) model is constructed with the time series analysis method.
The increase of lobe diffusion angle results in the increase of velocity circulation at the lobe exit section, but it raises the mixing loss and lowers the pressure recovery coefficient.
These factors make the die exit pressure, normal velocity and shear rate not to be zero, thus lead to problems including die swell and etc.
The pressure difference on the wall between actuator and the exit of primary jet is great.
This exit pressure is then used to identify the kind of tissue in which the injection is being introduced.
Comparisons were also made between computational and experimental data of pressure distribution on the wall of the mixing duct and velocity distribution on the exit of the duct.
Experimental results showed that the effective pressure distribution of the exit section was different and the flow friction decreased due to the influence of film bleeding.
The enlarged joints and related degenerative changes place pressure on the nerve roots as they exit the spine.
Flame stability has no relation with the ethylene guide flame, and the exit chocking ratio is an important factor for the combustor pressure rising.
Flame stability has no relation with the ethylene guide flame, and the exit chocking ratio is an important factor for the combustor pressure rising.