Iteration upon iteration leads to an expanded view of the world.
Figure 5 provides an expanded view of the Service drawer so that you can see the full set of available elements.
The standard reference for text utilities is the GNU text utilities manual (here also is an expanded view of the same TOC).
The expanded view shows the various artifacts of the schedule as a tree view on the left, with detailed information related to each selected event on the right.
Notice all the details in the expanded view below, the borders, gradients, sizes and colors. In instances like this, the zoom tool can be your best friend.
When the two spacecraft are close to Earth, an expanded view of the region around Earth will appear on the right, in the same orientation as the Sun-centered view.
Each of the folders can be further expanded to view an enumeration of the contained database objects.
As it turns out, the view is also useful if you want to print out your process with all of the container activities expanded.
As shown, the scorecard can be expanded to view individual ratings for those three measures.
Although they are intended to be human-readable, CDA documents also contain a wealth of machine-readable information, which can be made more manageable by transformation into an expanded client view.
For example, if a tree JSF widget was expanded to a certain section and a failure occurs, the next refreshed view of that tree might no longer be expanded.
Figure 15 shows the Browse troubleshooting links module, expanded to its full page view.
Figure 28 shows the same Description view layout as Figure 27 except several of the portlets have been expanded.
The markets' view, as far as anyone can tell, is that the EU bail-out funds must be expanded to remove any doubt about their capacity to save Portugal and Spain.
Also, the tree view is expanded on the left side of the dialog box so that you can see the entire folder structure of the archive.
In the Palette view, ensure that the Tomahawk drawer is expanded and open.
This expanded cellular view has opened the field to thousands of interactions that previously were outside the researchers' reach.
Added expanded Recycle Bin contents in detailed view.
A vocabulary gets displayed in a dynamic tree view, where parent terms can be expanded to list their nested child terms or can be collapsed.
Because of this mode of action, from an more expanded perspective they would seem to disappear from view right in the middle of their activity as they awoke back into their physical body.
In image search mode the size of viewport can be expanded to let the user view the full size image.
Hegel has expanded his view on philosophy in "the Preface of Phanomenologie des Geistes" and distinguished his philosophic conception from Kant and Schelling through the statement of philosophy.
Hegel has expanded his view on philosophy in "the Preface of Phanomenologie des Geistes" and distinguished his philosophic conception from Kant and Schelling through the statement of philosophy.