Teacher's expectation effect includes positive effect and passive effect, and they result in many subjective factors and objective factors.
Now some beauticians stressed before floating the lip technique to despise the technique to disinfect the preparation and the lip design, often could not achieve the expectation effect.
Exchange rate disequilibrium and adjustment will affect the price of real estate by liquidity effect, expectation effect, wealth effect, spill-over effect, and credit expansion or depression effect.
Meanwhile, LR interacts with environmental factors such as peer influence, one's expectation for the effect of drinking, and stress.
The Effect of Teacher's Expectation has the functions of encouragement, adjustment, transformation and support.
Now most researchers believe that placebo effect is induced by expectation and conditioning.
Based on the rational expectation framework and from the perspective of market microstructure, the paper analyzes the effect of price limit on trading mechanism of stock market.
In effect, the expectation that ASL should be word-based indicates a misunderstanding according to which spoken language is the only legitimate way to symbolize our conception of reality.
So teachers should understand the effect of teachers' expectation and use some methods to realize the positive affect of teachers' expectation consciously.
On the other hand, a negative attitude and low expectation may create an unfavourable school and society environment for students and lead to a negative education effect.
Chapter Five: the Expectation of the readers, analyzes the effect of readers 'motivation and reading mentality on the reception of the novel.
There are some limitations and weakness in various single purifying technologies, so the cases that the air pollution governance effect could not meet the expectation occur all the time.
This thesis, which combines Lin Shu's translation with lu Xun's, states the effect of the translator's value standpoint and the reader's horizons of expectation for the foreign literature.
The deconvolved results with the compensated data and the original image data by expectation maximization (EM) algorithm for reducing the effect of out of focus light were compared respectively.
Previous research in primates had suggested that expectation had little effect on how taste registers in the brain.
Finally, we analyses how individual action impact on policy effect and find that individual action is one reason of whether effectiveness of policy limits can get expectation.
Based on the theory of anchoring effect in psychology, the author extends the theory of inflation expectation under near-rational.
It was shipped in expectation that South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's April deal to resume U. S. beef imports would soon go into effect.
Explore what effect the implicit social cognition, aggressive behavior, hostile attribution style and positive-expectation for the behavior results set on the cause of aggressive behaviors.
The better showing by the more costly pill shows that "how you set up people's expectation is crucial" to treatment effect, says Gregory Berns, a neuroscientist at Emory University School of Medicine.
The better showing by the more costly pill shows that "how you set up people's expectation is crucial" to treatment effect, says Gregory Berns, a neuroscientist at Emory University School of Medicine.