Then we test the relation between expected returns and expected risk with the GARCH-M model.
然后,应用均值GARCH (GARCH - M)模型检验预期收益与预期风险的关系。
But it is necessary to establish a feasible method to verify whether these emergency plans implement the goal of expected risk management.
Long-term users of several other types of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) also had a lower than expected risk of Alzheimer's.
Support vector machine is a new learning method based on VC theory, good generalization is required by minimizing the upper abound of expected risk.
An experimental treatment used to clear clogged neck arteries carries a higher-than-expected risk of stroke and death, according to a study that was stopped early for safety reasons.
This information provides for better estimates of the target client environment, its manageability, its maintainability, the expected costs, and other risk factors.
Getting the first release out was more difficult, with higher risk and longer development time, than expected.
The risk is that inflation could prove trickier than expected to control, especially if expectations of higher prices become entrenched in society.
Investors and regulators often look at bond yields to gauge their risk and expected return.
Completion of the spillway was expected to reduce the risk of such a catastrophic event.
In the case of risk, rationality is usually defined as the choice of that alternative for which the expected utility is greatest.
Deloitte surveyed chief risk officers at Banks and insurance companies and found that 73 per cent expected annual spending on compliance, risk, audit and other control functions to continue to rise.
Suddenly it seemed possible for any financial risk to be measured to five decimal places, and for expected returns to be adjusted accordingly.
In fact, different people might make different choices about how much risk they're willing to bear to get a higher expected return.
They can hardly be expected to set aside their bitter memories because (as the heads of five big firms have complained) American arms exports are at risk.
Risk discovery and mitigation. Actual and expected.
The system is expected to reduce costs and lower the risk of life during actual enemy engagement by providing information for preemptive actions to stop or contain threats, the company said.
These improvements to navigation could be made without the risk of obstruction due to sedimentation, as is expected with the dam.
The locations and dense construction patterns of cities often place their populations at greater risk for natural disasters, including those expected to worsen with climate change.
There also is a risk that earlier-than-expected U.S. interest-rate increases — or a major crisis in emerging countries — could end up pushing investors back into the dollar in the months ahead.
For example, it says climate change and land use are expected to increase desertification worldwide, increasing the risk of sand and dust storms.
Overall, together with global tobacco control activities and initiatives on healthy indoor air, the Project is expected to be a key step towards reducing lung cancer risk word wide.
Dexia, for instance, passed with flying colours: its capital was expected to dip to a still-solid 10.4% of risk-weighted assets under the "adverse" scenario.
But in more exotic asset classes, the long-term expected return may be zero, or at least less than the risk-free rate.
Failure to manage change increases the risk of the change not happening as expected and it jeopardizes the success of the project.
They had expected just the opposite—that a modern diet would be linked with a lowered risk of having a major depression.
Understanding the whole human epigenome is expected to help scientists develop drugs that can reduce our risk of cancer and potentially reverse it even if it has become established.
Conversely, older people who are physically at high risk, but don’t perceive much danger, fall less often than would be expected.
Conversely, older people who are physically at high risk, but don’t perceive much danger, fall less often than would be expected.