But some in NATO think the backlash against expeditionary war is overdone.
The British Expeditionary Force was no more than a symbolic contribution.
NARRATOR: Far away in the South Atlantic, a British expeditionary force was at sea.
Overhead, specially marked black and white striped Allied Expeditionary Air Force aircraft owned the sky.
Expeditionary war needs airlift, sealift, jets, helicopters, drones and other “enablers” like field hospitals.
The Royal Navy's ability to conduct expeditionary operations enables the UK to combat security threats at source.
A us Navy team has recently been testing just such a device at its Joint Expeditionary Base East, in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
A shortage of helicopters - the workhorses of a naval expeditionary force - makes it hard for the ships to operate with one another.
China does not hold the second position - it hasn't a expeditionary force. I doubt Russia holds it either... although they may.
Expeditionary parties comprised mainly of scholars were sent out to Lette Plane to conduct further investigations and research.
In any case, they say, the same expeditionary forces would be needed in any crisis, whether in Afghanistan or, say, to defend Estonia.
In his most extensive series - East Meets West (also known as The Expeditionary series) Tseng was both photographer and subject.
在他最大规模的系列作品《东方会见西方》里(East Meets West),曾广智既是摄影师又是被摄影的对象。
That is why NATO's current commander, Marine General James L. Jones, emphasizes that NATO's future lies in amphibious, expeditionary warfare.
这就是为什么北约的现任指挥官,海军陆战上将詹姆斯l琼斯(Marine General James l . Jones)一再强调北约的未来基于两栖,远征作战。
The Songshan Military Campaign between the Chinese Expeditionary Army and the Japanese Invaders in 1944 lasted three months and three days.
In addition, the SRR further validates our approach of developing a new radar that directly meets the challenges of today's expeditionary forces.
The company set out expeditionary army to east areas for several times for gold. At the same time, they still killed the aborigines cruelly.
The Allied Expeditionary Air Force, comprising the British 2nd Tactical Group and the USAAF 9th AAF, was set up almost a year before the actual landing.
The Allied Expeditionary Air Force, comprising the British 2nd Tactical Group and the USAAF 9th AAF, was set up almost a year before the actual landing.