The participants in the flashcard experiment thought they learned most when they studied a small stack of flashcards all on one day.
The above is only a thought experiment. Just thinking about your day, what will the early morning be like?
Watch the "Thought Clouds" Drift: Treat meditation as an experiment. Watch yourself thinking.
坐视“想法浮云” :可以把冥想看成一次试验,观察你自己的思维过程。
It represents a thought experiment in API design unhindered by the complexities of implementation, trial usage or community feedback.
If the thought experiment above took only a few minutes, could you actually take an hour to slow down?
One of the principles of quantum physics, illustrated by the Schrodinger's cat thought experiment, is that the act of measurement collapses an object's waveform into a single, observed state.
We've attempted a thought experiment with tougher standards: predicting a future that's just around the corner.
The homunculus in Maxwell's original thought experiment could sort the molecules of air found in two connected boxes according to their velocities.
The thought experiment is notorious for its complexity, which has encouraged a wide variety of interpretations.
We've attempted a thought experiment with far tougher standards: predicting the future that's just around the corner.
This theory is the basis of a famous thought experiment known as the twin paradox, in which a twin sibling who travels on a fast-moving rocket ship would return home younger than the other twin.
This can be turned into work by letting it fall down the staircase once again—an analogy of using the movement of hot and cold gases to do work in Maxwell’s original thought experiment.
This can be turned into work by letting it fall down the staircase once again-an analogy of using the movement of hot and cold gases to do work in Maxwell's original thought experiment.
Previously I designed a little thought experiment in which I placed my photo among eight Mainland women and asked readers to see if they could pick me.
So you have to "test" in your own head, purely as a thought experiment, against a bunch of standards documents which you probably never read and couldn't completely understand even if you did.
Then Heisenberg patiently, and perhaps a bit patronizingly, demonstrates to Popper the mistake in his thought experiment.
He gives the example of a famous thought experiment in which an attempt is made to build the world's greatest car by assembling the world's greatest car parts.
And what's amazing about the argument is that it works on the basis of a pure thought experiment.
That film, along with several other sci-fi stories and movies, was heavily influenced by the brain in a VAT thought experiment.
It's a little known fact that Albert Einstein's famous work on special relativity was spurred by a thought experiment he conducted when he was only 16 years old.
The genetic explanation of the returning soldier effect is, for now, a thought experiment—the gene responsible has not been found.
The genetic explanation of the returning soldier effect is, for now, a thought experiment—the gene responsible has not been found.