The paper is focused on the discovery and representation methods of expert domain knowledge based on knowledge network.
As a result, application development is brought closer to the end user, which yields application designs that build more upon domain expert knowledge.
Yet, expert programmers can digest necessary domain knowledge, understand their team's dynamics, and consistently provide technical vision.
For the complexity of emergency decision making, a local group evaluation model for emergency project set based on the domain knowledge of expert is proposed.
The uncertain problem of the domain knowledge in building machining operation expert system for fault diagnosis is analysed.
Aspects of the target knowledge included within the expert system are said to be"within the domain", portions outside its scope are" outside the domain".
包括在专家系统内的各方面的目标知识称为“ 在领域内”, 在考虑范围之外的部分称为“ 在领域外”。
An expert system is a software system having some domain knowledge, which can solve some problems for people.
The rule acquisition process requires the interaction of two specialists: a knowledge engineer and a domain expert. There are several problems with this process.
Integrating knowledge is supported by these technologies: distributed network, information fusion technique, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, and domain expert...
Integrating knowledge is supported by these technologies: distributed network, information fusion technique, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, and domain expert...