The paper adopts literature method, expert interview method and logical study method to make the theoretical investigation.
This paper utilizes consulting data method and expert interview method to discuss the problems of scoring method of undergraduate physical education and to give out some countermeasure.
The evaluation methods mainly contained literature review, expert interview, questionnaire survey, comparison method, successful degree method and AHP method.
Through using the method of literature investigation and expert interview, this paper built up the testing system of junior soccer player's basic tactical knowledge.
This paper studies the problems of competition risk through the method of literature, questionnaire, expert interview, logical analysis and statistics.
By using the method of documentary, expert interview and comparative analysis, this paper makes deeply investigation on current situation of developing baseball game in our colleges and universities.
Methods the data research, individual case investigation, expert interview the and method of SWOT were used.
By using the method of documentary, observation at site, expert interview, mathematical statistics, this paper studies the non-technical movement of our elite trampolinist.
The concrete research methods mainly include the method of documentary, expert interview, questionnaire method, case study method, probability method and logical discursion, etc.
The concrete research methods mainly include the method of documentary, expert interview, questionnaire method, case study method, probability method and logical discursion, etc.