The expiration date on this yogurt was November 20.
Then he proceeded to recite his card number and expiration date before signing off.
Look closely at your bottle - sometimes the expiration date is written in very small print.
Earlier this year a team of German researchers developed a technique for creating images with an expiration date.
This ran every night against all mail databases, and deleted documents that met or passed their expiration date.
For example, when users registered they had to enter the expiration date from a credit card.
Are you one of those people who pour the milk down the drain on the expiration date?
You can define an expiration date and time for the message, after which the recipient will no longer be able to open or view it.
Instead, you could set the expiration date to 10 minutes in the future, and you'll be assured that the policy can't be used by deleted users more than 10 minutes after their last legitimate access.
Optionally, you can list additional information for each URL, including its last modification date, its change frequency, an expiration date, and a priority value.
Thus, when you create new certificates as we recommend, ensure that you mark the expiration date on a calendar.
For best results, make sure you use your sunscreen before its expiration date, and store it in a cool place.
The database table that holds credit card information contains sensitive information, such as credit card number and expiration date.
This includes checking the expiration date of the certificate, verifying the signature, and deciding whether credentials presented by the peer should be accepted.
Each X.509 certificate published by the primary server has an expiration date.
由主服务器发布的每个X . 509证书都有一个有效期。
Although you may have heard that you should get rid of sunscreen after a year, most sunscreens actually have an expiration date of three years.
You find yourself throwing things away - milk, medicine, even cans of soup - because they've hit their expiration date.
Aside from any expiration date or lack thereof, if a food item is moldy or if it smells and looks spoiled, err on the side of caution.
This video is two days old - which in Internet speak would normally put it past its expiration date already - but it made my jaw drop, and then put a giant smile on my face.
When its expiration date passes, the digital certificate must be replaced.
Mayonnaise: Unopened, refrigerated Kraft mayonnaise can be kept for 30 days after its expiration date or 3-4 months after opening, the company told ShelfLifeAdvice.
蛋黄酱:卡夫公司称它们生产的蛋黄酱在未开封的情况下可以保存至保质期后30天,开封 后仍可以保存3-4个月。
So think about what would be a good period to set the expiration date to instead of arbitrarily setting it to some value.
The implementation sets the password expiration date to 90 days from the time that the password is initially created or changed.
For example, the expiration date field might only accept an actual date in a particular format.
(Total savings: $19.35.) One caveat: whole-wheat pasta often has a shorter expiration date, she warns.
There have also been one hundred-year bonds and there have also been perpetuities that--in the UK, for example, the British Consoles--have no expiration date and they have infinite maturity.
The fridge will know that you need more milk by reading the expiration date on the radio frequency ID tag of the milk carton currently on one of its shelves.
The fridge will know that you need more milk by reading the expiration date on the radio frequency ID tag of the milk carton currently on one of its shelves.