When explaining shifts in the bullion market people tend to think in terms of supply and demand.
This goes a long way towards explaining why chipmakers, like farmers, have a tendency to oversupply the market, particularly if they sell memory chips, an undifferentiated product (like winter wheat).
Nowadays the price of gold is set by the market rather than by official diktat. When explaining shifts in the bullion market people tend to think in terms of supply and demand.
By comparing the explaining power and applicability of these two models, this study analyzed the traits of Chinese market and provided more evidences for non-linear residual income relationship.
Finally, I'll finish by explaining how we will go about entering the Chinese market, based on conclusions from our research.
But under Internet's mode, some phenomena need explaining with the long end theory, can assemble, stand up, may create loud economic worth a large number of market value relatively smaller part.
Both types create profiles explaining what they're in the market for and, hopefully, find each other.
This article analyzes the electric dust catchers currently used in international market through explaining the classic theory that energy consumption is little when particles are separated.
Explaining the supply situation in the market, Mr. Popat said, "the arrival of cotton is low as compared to the number of spinning factories that have become operational."
Explaining the supply situation in the market, Mr. Popat said, "the arrival of cotton is low as compared to the number of spinning factories that have become operational."