Group size and feedback information had little effect on the game behavior. Protocol analysis partially supported our social rationality explanation of the group size effect on dilemma behavior.
Now physicists have shown that the size of a country's executive cabinet appears to be linked to that country's overall efficiency, and they have found a possible mathematical explanation.
Based on the explanation, a model for size-independent fracture energy is provided by introducing a concept of local fracture energy.
Finally, the results of a simple analysis, including data on the outcome of fluctuations in the size of explanation.
The explanation of the relations between colors and size of mass-equal disc galaxies need further discussion.
One explanation for the lack of correlation between size and symptoms is that infraorbital areas might be less adjustable than the depth, say researchers.
One explanation for the lack of correlation between size and symptoms is that infraorbital areas might be less adjustable than the depth, say researchers.