The exploiter soiled the boiling oil in the toilet.
But her first exploiter was herself, and the cameras, for as long as they could, kept her alive.
We strive to found a combination of four kinds of people who are wiser , doer, affinity and exploiter.
However, so far, the coexisting mechanism of the exploiter and the mutualistic system still remains unclear.
In order to prevent the software to pirate, the software exploiter must carry on the essential encryption to the software.
This thesis is concentrated on how to leverage laws in the petroleum exploiter and hence to reduce the environmental peril as much as possible.
Try to figure this out: can a mother who feeds her baby with milk be accused of being "exploiter and butcher" or is your father who cooks a dish of delicacy is justified to be a "murderer"?
试想,当母亲们用牛奶哺育婴儿的时候,有人会指责她们是“剥削者”和“屠夫”吗? 当你的父亲为你亲手烹制一盘佳肴的时候,你会痛斥你的父亲是“凶手”吗?
Because the exploitation of real estate needs large capital and long turnover period, the advance booking is gradually taken as an effective method for raising funds by real estate exploiter.
Because the exploitation of real estate needs large capital and long turnover period, the advance booking is gradually taken as an effective method for raising funds by real estate exploiter.