Economists across the world are expressing concern about rising food prices.
Russia is expressing concern about what it says is an increasing number of NATO navy ships in the Black Sea.
Vartan Oskanian, Armenia's foreign minister, retorts that "expressing concern about a process that doesn't exist is disingenuous".
亚美尼亚外长法尔坦•奥斯卡·尼雅(Vartan Oskanian)反驳道,“对一个并不存在的进程表示关心是没有诚意的”。
Asking about the divorce might have made his friend feel worse by reminding him of it, and expressing concern could have come across as condescending.
Across the Pacific, scores of countries were on tsunami alert, with experts expressing particular concern about low-lying islands.
"The exposed concrete is going to have to go," he says, expressing some concern about how the architect might take this.
There was only one last year, expressing "grave concern" about food supplies in the Sahel region of Africa, notably Niger.
But on Hawaii, many residents are indifferent, going about their daily lives and expressing more concern about issues such as the state's weak economy.
But on Hawaii, many residents are indifferent, going about their daily lives and expressing more concern about issues such as the state's weak economy.