A lot of the Visual Studio functionality requires an expression evaluator.
The expression evaluator can evaluate variables that are statically typed as dynamic.
Uses the expression evaluator Add-In API to extend the native debugger expression evaluator.
You cannot specify a class, but you can specify a member function of the class and let the expression evaluator search outward.
The W3Eval applet can't make your trusty HP-41 easier to use -- as its name implies, it's an expression evaluator that runs only on the Web.
W3Evalapplet无法让您可信赖的 HP-41更易用,正如它的名称所暗示 ―一个只能运行于 Web 的表达式求值程序。
In addition, the Regular expression Evaluator allows you to test an expression while you're editing it, saving you the time of having to run the script to see if the pattern worked.
另外RegularExpression Evaluator允许您在编辑时测试表达,这节省了您不得不运行脚本以查看模式是否运行的时间。
The expression evaluator supports function calls with By Value arguments but does not support function calls with By Reference arguments, objects, arrays, functions, and strings.
The expression evaluator supports function calls with By Value arguments but does not support function calls with By Reference arguments, objects, arrays, functions, and strings.