The content in this area can be, for example, the latest information on tools and how to obtain them, and then used to execute this extension point more effectively.
The dynamic content area dynamically provides assets and artifacts to the user or practitioner to help him or her execute the task described by this extension point.
In the case of the service identification extension, the area is populated by dynamic content around service identification.
As with the Service test Page, the client test Page has extension points which give you the ability to include your test client in this area of the wizard.
Some IEPD developers choose to break extension schemas into multiple documents by subject area to allow them to reuse the schemas more granularly in various exchanges.
The collaborative guidance content area provides up-to-date guidance on the method for this extension point.
In the Extension Element Details area, type or browse to the name of your factory class, then click the class hyperlink next to the text box.
The second area of the wiki Web site provides dynamic content relevant to the architect for this particular extension point in the form of Web feeds.
这是wiki网站的第二个区域,它以Web feeds 的形式为此特定的扩展点提供与架构师相关的动态内容。
Declare an extension to add an application as a view part, which is an area of the user interface where applications that interact with Lotus Sametime can be displayed using collapsible frames.
To view the RSS feed content in the mini-app area as shown in figure 1, edit the plugin.xml file in Eclipse to add the following extension as shown in listing 1.
要在图1所示的mini - app区域中查看rss提要内容,则在Eclipse中编辑plugin . xml文件来添加以下扩展名,如清单1所示。
Extension cords are meant to be used only temporarily, so make sure the area is wired adequately for all of the electronic equipment such as computers, copiers and printers.
This is another area in which the file naming convention simplifies things. We pass the extension function the root of the XML source file
August is the Rotary month of membership and extension, an area of great importance to our organization.
The root cause of this undesirable phenomenon is that the extension of the strip edge area is out of the elasticity limit of the material.
Above the stone layer is located the terraces: an extension of the social area -kitchen, dining room and living room - covered with a wood roof that protects form sun radiation.
Thus, the living area receives a visual extension, but the sleeping area retains its intimacy.
Such chairs are no longer interference of different materials in the green area, but the extension of natural ecology.
The outdoor room can be turned into a comfortable extension of the main living area by closing a sliding fly screen, or fully incorporated into the interior using sliding doors on either side.
But they also added a blackened steel and glass extension to the back of the property to create a large living area on the ground floor and bedrooms above.
From about 200 km above the photosphere outward extension of the height of 100 km area.
The studies show the groundwater level is rising quickly and may surpass the critical depth along downstream area with the extension of the irrigating field, which can bring on the soil salinization.
When a ductile material is tested, the reduction in cross-sectional area due to waisting causes an increased stress without an increased force, to ensure that extension proceeds uniformly.
The extension allows the kitchen to be expanded to accommodate a dining area that also connects with the open-plan living space at the front of the house.
In the process of demonstrating and extension on large area the improved seed illustrated advanced value of production.
The collisional orogenesis in the area occurred in the Carboniferous and Permian, and shows the character of the early compression and late extension.
With increasing extension of city area, original countrysides have been encircled by sprawling city, becoming village within urban area or urban-village.
The light fixtures hanging from the ceiling in the reception area aren't fixtures at all but rather collections of extension cords fitted with bulbs.
The contact area between part and pole extension should be adjusted so that the amount of flux traveling from pole to pole is sufficient to hold the part, but won't break through the part surface.
An extension was then added to create an L-shaped plan with a total area of 230 square metres. The new wing features dry stone walls, built using blocks of different shapes and sizes.
The green urban transition, expansion or extension of the low density area, is a gradual conversion from a built to a planted environment.