The judge is aware of the extenuating circumstances and you'll definitely be given a fair hearing.
The judge is. aware of the extenuating circumstances and you'll definitely be given a fair hearing.
When you first applied for an extension you presented no acceptable extenuating circumstances whatsoever.
Finally, we may note that the guilt of an offender is usually held to decrease with extenuating circumstances.
A10:Anupward trajectory in grades or some extenuating circumstances that excuse your poor academic performance would be helpful.
There are extenuating circumstances why I was late; the intercity train broke down and we had to wait more than an hour for a replacement.
Roy:So we are all going to suck it up and let her take us to her master, where we will do our best to explain the extenuating circumstances.
Because of extenuating circumstances (ie facts taken into consideration that might be regarded as an excuse), the court acquitted him of the crime.
There are extenuating circumstances revolving around the project site, where it may destroy thousands of acres inhibited by hundreds of wildlife species.
If there were extenuating circumstances that caused the gap, such as caring for family or an accident, explain the situation as clearly and briefly as possible.
In the absence of special extenuating circumstances, a bank which failed to despatch the documents within three banking days would have failed to act with reasonable promptness.
In the absence of special extenuating circumstances, a bank which failed to despatch the documents within three banking days would have failed to act with reasonable promptness.