Ten tiles and the exterior wall paint brands as a major decorative materials.
The main reasons that exterior wall paint was polluted and pollution sorts were analyzed.
Enterprise architecture for modern decoration, the protection of the diverse needs of research and development of several major functional interior and exterior wall paint.
This article has described the preparation of nano TiO2-based exterior wall paint and discussed the properties of weatherability, alkali and water resistance and washability.
In this paper, the author introduces the optimum collection of the adhension, colour and volume material, and the principal specifications of self-cleaning exterior wall paint HW4.
The application of dimethyl carbonate solvent in thermoplastic NC modified acrylic orange peel finish, acrylic polyurethane hammer tone finish, PU wood finish and solvent-based exterior wall paint.
Wallpaper latex paint not only overcome the single color, along with people increasingly face of exterior wall decoration.
The matching product of exterior wall beading elastic emulsion paint is a decorative water paint which is suitable for retrofit of old glazed tile and Mosaic tile and for new or old cement wall.
Main features, causations and corresponding countermeasures of deterioration of paint film for exterior wall are described.
This article introduces the unique feature of a new solvent - based paint for exterior wall, and involves the factors affecting the paint property.
The silicone -acrylic emulsion paint for exterior wall has been proved to be excellent through performance test.
This article has described the present situation of architectural paint for exterior wall overseas, discussed the disparities between China and other countries, existing problems and causes.
Exterior wall is brick wall, plaster finished, ready for paint. Try to avoid using glass curtain wall.
The paper researched chalking phenomenon oi emulsion paint for exterior and interior wall and gave some relevant resolution method.
Introduces the production technology of gel type water-in-water multi-colour paint for exterior wall, performance factors and also to explore the effect of gel type water in water and the solution.
The products mainly have: interior wall latex paint, exterior wall latex paint, flexible exterior wall latex paint, water based fluorocarbon paint, textural art paint, industrial terrace etc.
The products mainly have: interior wall latex paint, exterior wall latex paint, flexible exterior wall latex paint, water based fluorocarbon paint, textural art paint, industrial terrace etc.