Oil prices may climb again, but the euro area weathered the recent spike fairly well and should get back a good slice of any extra it spends on energy imports.
This allows for a tool tip, which is some extra text to be shown when a slice of the pie is moused over.
Unlike other sharding solutions, Slice does not require adding any extra column to the existing schema to enable partitioning.
With a thin 'power slice' as the solar powered battery, triple flip owners could carry around extra to keep their phone running days without recharging.
Dreading the thought of another session at the gym, or wishing you could painlessly work off that extra slice of cake without an exhausting run around the park?
Over the holidays, many of us will drink, stay up past bedtime, eat an extra slice of pie and sleep in.
While many dieters are wary of a "big splurge" like a cup of ice cream or a slice of pizza, an extra 400 or 500 calories – occasionally – won't throw your weight loss efforts off course.
Double up on a couple of the items-have an extra slice of pizza or two containers of yogurt.
Double up on a couple of the items-have an extra slice of pizza or two containers of yogurt.