France, with a controversial extra-time goal, joined Slovenia, Greece and Portugal as the last 4 qualifiers from Europe.
If we're not engaged as much in our normal work or school, we have extra time to call parents and grandparents.
For an increasing number of kids, the extra time and money spent pursuing a college diploma will leave them worse off than they were before they set foot on campus.
"When people have a mobile device and have even a little extra time, they will communicate with someone in their life," says Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project.
Steve enjoys spending his extra time this way.
If you have an idea for a dynamic interface, be ready to spend a bit of extra time on debugging.
This means you have to spend extra time trawling through each report to find the information you really need.
Since I’m deeply into personal growth, to me the extra time means more opportunities to grow, which is very exciting to me.
In either case, overdesign takes extra time and produces code that is either unused or doesn't fit the needs of the project.
Always plan travel arrangements a few days in advance and allow plenty of extra time for potential delays.
They may take a little extra time to prepare and apply but these remedies are worth the time and effort.
But as he considers a second print run, perhaps this designer has bought himself some extra time to reflect on this stuff.
The extra time investment is worth it -- there's a good job available for someone, and it might as well be you!
The study found 51 percent of unhappy people were more likely to have unwanted extra time.
"Americans love the fallen hero who has struggled but is now doing it tough and spending extra time in the batting cage," he says.
When a child struggles to learn to ride a bike, we take some extra time to clarify the process and coach her through.
It may be difficult initially, but you'll be gaining that much extra time in your day.
If you have some extra time, you might take a side trip to Nara, which was the capital before Kyoto.
With your previous list in mind, what would have to change if you used that extra time for exercise?
So why not leverage all of that extra time that you have on your hands and work?
Tip: Pay in cash. Going to the ATM and physically seeing your bank balance gives you that extra time to consider.
I had a flexible schedule where I had a whole day free just in case someone wanted to spend extra time with me.
But when the students were given extra time, lessening the pressure, they were more able to find both targets almost as quickly.
We dropped the "Q" and switched to Maintenance Releases, shipping every four months and spending the bulk of the extra time in test.
The extra time in space also gives the GRAIL spacecraft time to vent gases that could impact their science measurements.
Boredom: Some people said they wouldn't want to try polyphasic sleep because they'd be bored with all that extra time.
Begin by analyzing your processes and looking for ways to wring out extra time.
Recent graduate Garrett Sider, 18, used the extra time for sleep.
Recent graduate Garrett Sider, 18, used the extra time for sleep.