They were performing a short extract from Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona.
The plant fruticose breynia juvenile extract from the stem.
XMLQUERY is used to extract from XML data.
They published an extract from his autobiography.
There are lots of tidbits you can extract from your inbox.
Listing 1 is an extract from a data sheet as saved by Gnumeric.
See Listing 1 for an extract from the contents of this INI file.
Listing 3. Extract from the FOAF blog list processing code in
清单3.bloginfo . py中实现从FOAFblog清单提取信息的代码。
Nature published an extract from his biochemistry Ph.D. thesis — on synthetic RNA.
Which brings us to my final piece of advice; don’t try to extract from what doesn’t exist.
是什么给我们带来了最后的忠告呢? 不要从那些不存在的东西中摘取东西。
In Table 1 is the summary of the information that you can extract from the RSS and Atom files.
This is an edited extract from Jeffrey Masson's The Pig Who Sang to the Moon (Jonathan Cape).
Here is an extract from the WSDL file that is used to generate the Service Endpoint interface.
If the query looks a little long, that's only because it lists many fields to extract from the data.
An old folk remedy, extract from these dark berries appears to block flu viruses in test tube studies.
Listing 23 shows an extract from the reference message that contains the list of states and their capitals.
The Substring function uses a delimiter and index to determine what text to extract from the incoming source string.
Thanks to improved data analysis, they can now extract from noisy electrical background the firing of single neurons.
Both of these examples are highlighted in the extract from the "Hello, Eclipse" plug-in manifest, shown in Listing 1.
In the Near and Middle East, Iranians like their ice cream flavored with salep, an extract from a tuber which has been boiled.
Diigo allows users to add, gather or extract from pages of information and then share or work with others to further refine knowledge.
To achieve this goal, first create a dictionary that contains a list of skills that you want to extract from the text of the job offering.
Now they are finding out about the huge sums local politicians extract from "social" or "sports" budgets to finance the local soccer teams.
What is it about music that's so useful when we first meet someone and what kind of information can we extract from the music another person likes?
The input records, which contain XML data, are read in from the input file and parsed by the XMLNSC parser. This is an extract from the input file.
包含X ML数据的输入记录由xmlnsc解析器从输入文件中读取并解析。
Alas, my reading of Valmiki had been limited to the short extract from his Ramayana given in my Sanskrit reader, and even that I had not fully mastered.
Fleming proceeded to isolate an extract from the mould, correctly identified it as being from the Penicillium genus, and therefore named the agent penicillin.
Oil, gas, coal and timber companies, by contrast, all have to pay substantial royalties, of up to 12.5% of gross income, when they extract from federal lands.
But they are made up of a tarry substance called bitumen, which requires large amounts of energy to extract from the ground and prepare for transport to a refinery.
But they are made up of a tarry substance called bitumen, which requires large amounts of energy to extract from the ground and prepare for transport to a refinery.