Following the Rules of Play is Extreme Programming.
Extreme Programming methodology can illustrate this concept.
Extreme Programming requires user stories that fill the role of use cases.
See Kent Beck's introduction to Extreme Programming Explained for more details.
更详细的细节可参看Kent Beck的关于极限编程的介绍。
See "eXtreme programming: deceptively simple innovation" for information on XP.
请参阅“eXtreme programming:deceptively simple in novation”以获取关于XP的信息。
Extreme programming (XP) is a set of recommendations for achieving better quality software.
极端编程(extreme programming,XP)是关于实现更高质量的软件的一组建议。
For small projects, the extreme programming (XP) practice of the planning game 6 works well.
See the article eXtreme programming: deceptively simple innovation for information about XP.
虚假的简单革新,了解关于XP 的信息。
These can be user stories as used by Extreme Programming or simply one-liner feature descriptions.
I had read books and articles on Extreme Programming (xp) but had not been exposed to anyone who used it.
There are a lot of supporters of unit testing, as can been seen in Extreme Programming, Agile, and so on.
Or perhaps you could consider another approach, such as using an evolved prototype or extreme programming.
Extreme Programming has no advice about whether you should use a peer-to-peer architecture or a 3-tier one.
In 2001, Extreme Programming teams adapted retrospectives to fit within an iterative development cycle [2].
This principle is manifested in practices such as the continual refactoring practice of eXtreme Programming (XP).
Agile software development and extreme programming both promote writing unit test cases before developing the source code.
The "Basics" including Scrum Development, Extreme Programming (the "XP list"), Agile Project Management, and Crystal clear.
Extreme Programming (XP) has grown up some, and more people are implementing it in their organizations than ever before.
Most recently, Cunningham is credited with being the primary inspiration behind many of the techniques of Extreme Programming.
Extreme Programming (XP) is a lightweight, agile method that emphasizes the delivery of working, tested code as quickly as possible.
极限编程(Extreme Programming,XP)是一种轻量级敏捷方法,强调尽可能快地交付可正常工作且经过测试的代码。
A good architect can come from an organization that USES the Extreme Programming (XP) approach of multiple small iterations of the SDLC.
好的架构师可能来自使用SDLC的多个小型迭代的极限编程(Extreme Programming,XP)方法的组织。
Extreme Programming (XP) — XP is a lightweight methodology that eschews formal modeling and analysis in favor of a "test first" approach.
极限编程(Extreme Programming,XP)——XP是轻量级方法,避免了与“测试第一”方法相关的正式建模和分析。
The biggest error in Extreme Programming Explained is the implicit assumption that you have a technical team serving a single customer.
Extreme ProgrammingExplained中最严重的错误是隐含的假设,即您的技术团队只为一个客户提供服务。
An analysis of different agile delivery methods was undertaken, and Extreme Programming (XP) seemed to fit our requirements most readily.
Extreme Programming Explained (Kent Beck) is a good intro to XP, and even if you don't subscribe to the everything-agile approach, it makes a good read.
解析极限编程(Extreme ProgrammingExplained)(Kent Back)是一本不错的极限编程(XP)入门书,它能够让你即使在从未了解过任何敏捷方法的情况下,也能够很好地进行阅读。
In an interesting discussion on the Extreme Programming group, Alistair Cockburn Shared the dominant interruptions which disturb the flow of a team.
Extreme Programming讨论组上有一个有趣的讨论,AlistairCockburn在其中分享了他认为影响“团队涌流”的一些主要干扰。
However, whether you are a true believer or a skeptic (or somewhere in between), the second edition of Extreme Programming Explained is definitely worth a read.
Instead, consider adopting some of the new Agile development methods, such as Extreme Programming (XP), that foster this kind of incremental learning and development.
Perhaps these insights can help you decide whether Extreme Programming is right for you and, if so, help give you an idea of what to expect before you take the plunge.
Perhaps these insights can help you decide whether Extreme Programming is right for you and, if so, help give you an idea of what to expect before you take the plunge.