The extreme sports woo't be the mainstream sport.
Extreme sports are nontraditional sport and activities.
He said he believed that any modern extreme sport involved precise control of scientific instruments.
In this sense, the extreme sports are not for everyone, so the extreme sports won't be the mainstream sport in the future.
The origin of extreme sport and the characteristics of the event were discussed and effects of extreme sport on health were expounded.
Effectively throwing yourself down a slope in a giant ball, or "Zorbing", is one of the latest extreme sport craze to sweep the world.
In this strange extreme sport, a human catapult launches individuals over 26 feet (8 meters) in the air into a swimming pool or foam pit.
Rock climbing is the original extreme sport. Basically, rock climbing is going from the bottom of a wall to the top and then back down again.
BASE jumping is significantly more dangerous than similar sports such as skydiving from aircraft, and is currently regarded by many as a fringe extreme sport or stunt.
Extreme sport emphasizes participation and the spirits of courage, which need to take the risk of life or being injured and can give one the extreme sense of cheefulness and success.
Slalom canoeing is an extreme outdoor water sport, so it has a certain degree of risk.
Extreme skiing is a sport done in the open wilderness, away from the protection of commercial ski areas.
These devices may make the sport marginally safer, but they certainly don't make it any less extreme.
People why to breathtaking, stimulate of does extreme limit sport infatuate thus?
Rock climbing, a kind of mountain climbing sport, is a newly arisen extreme limit sport and also a mountain climbing to exercise a medium tournament athletics item.
Bicycle Moto Cross (BMX), an extreme style of bicycle track racing, became a sport in the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China.
Every day, on the newscasts and in the papers, we see pictures of people in extreme conditions of grief and despair. Human suffering has become a spectator sport.
I do not know why my grandmother grandpa opposes at the beginning I proceed the extreme limit sport.
I do not know why my grandmother grandpa opposes at the beginning I proceed the extreme limit sport.