Animation has stopped being eye-candy for kids and geeks and become mainstream entertainment.
This entry-level eye-candy from Sony is very compact and easy to use.
The steam locomotives are my favorite piece of eye-candy from the Industrial Age…
If you like the idea of more eye-candy and plugins for your KDE environment you can also install the following packages.
如果你喜欢eye - candy和KDE桌面环境组件的话,也可以安装下面的软件包。
To make this menu more eye-candy, go to the Blending Options -> Drop Shadow. Use the settings that you can see on the screenshots.
Once the user learns it's mere candy, it will effectively be blanked out by the user's eye.
Not for this kind of work. A good majority of them are trained for eye candy - not usability.
This results in upgrades that are often geared more to the eye candy aspect of an OS than the underlying code and compatibility issues.
These three newly released fragrances are eye candy for your bureau, vanity or bathroom. Plus, they smell sweet too!
Are we here to be someone else's eye candy, or are we here to do something a bit more substantive?
The media love to portray us all as eye candy, but actually we all have our own personalities.
This article compare the pros and cons of simplistic design compared to eye candy and how to find the right balance in your project.
This article compare the pros and cons of simplistic design compared to eye candy, and how to find the right balance in your project.
After a while, you’ll develop a cycle or routine of clothing that shows you exactly which clothes you actually need, and which clothes are just closet eye candy.
But humans, who love eye candy and fancy script, still get to see the "top" -most layer, the presentation.
Once the news came out, it sparks the debate on line. Some netizens said jokingly that the class specializes in training mistress (Er Nai), also some said it is the home of “Eye Candy”.
The SIXC and Next cranks may be the attention getters, but there was some eye candy in aluminum as well.
Although with each new release the Ext JS team seems to announce internal memory enhancements and performance gains, the news that has the biggest impact is the latest round of eye candy.
NEWS: Making Eye Candy for mountain-lovers.
The audience was treated to several "eye candy" examples of how Renderscript could be used to display a 3d video wall of YouTube videos, books, or albums.
Later articles will address CSS manipulation, form control, text changes, Ajax simplicity, and animations (everyone's favorite eye candy).
We can also use eye candy to talk about things which look good but are not very useful. Let's hear some examples.
For those of us who can't live without a desktop clock and assorted eye candy.
Let's face it: half the fun of watching the World Cup is the eye candy.
I'm a big believer in exercising and staying healthy, plus there's always a lot of eye candy at the gym.
But all of that is simple eye candy, we need to get to nuts and bolts.
Beauty foods are those that actually help you to stay fit and fine, and be the eye candy.
Beauty foods are those that actually help you to stay fit and fine, and be the eye candy.