In old English these were called eyethurls and since thurl is an old word for hole, this means eye holes.
The laser, with its beam of strong light, can drill a hole in a diamond, and yet can be so well controlled that it can be used in delicate eye operations.
The laser, with its beam of strong light, can drill a hole in a diamond, and yet can be so well controlled that it can be used in delicate eye operations.
For example, both have a large hole in front of the eye; this big hole is only seen in these species and is not present in any other birds.
What for us is a million years may just be a blink of an eye for someone flying in a high speed rocket or falling into a black hole.
This hill resembles an elephant sucking water. The elephant Eye Rock perches high up the hill, with a hole running through it from left to right.
Quite curious about this, he finds a hole in the fence, and looks in. Someone inside pokes him in the eye.
To begin with, the installment of the air-conditioner always involves the hole making in the wall, which undoubtedly makes the wall less pleasing to the eye than if not.
Quite curious about all this, he finds a hole in the fence, looks in and someone pokes him in the eye.
He recommends wandering into whatever place - especially a hole in the wall - catches your eye.
To begin with, the installment of the air - conditioner always involves the hole making in the wall, which undoubtedly makes the wall less pleasing to the eye than if not.
In the picture, clearly visible areas were the spiral rainbands white of wanda. the dark hole in the centre of the rainbands was the typhoon eye.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of his friends pick up Sean's ball and drop it in the hole. Then he ran and pretended to look for his own ball.
We chatted for a while, and I visualized a huge needle and thread, and we started sewing up the hole in his eye.
He was referred to an eye specialist, who told Andy that at 32 years old, he had a macular hole in his eye.
To start with, he had only one eye, and where the other should have been was a gaping hole.
McNichol's right eye socket was rebuilt, part of the tooth inserted and a lens inserted in a hole drilled in the tooth.
The utility model discloses a packing paper box with high-strength eye ring hole in the package field.
The utility model discloses a packing paper box with high-strength eye ring hole in the package field.