For example, in a photograph of an insect choose the most beautiful elements, and always keep the eyes sharp.
In fact, we are in a change period, there are too many good stories. What we are lack of is sharp eyes, they eyes sharp enough to discover the talents.
His smile had no heart in it, but few eyes were near enough or sharp enough to detect that.
Birds have sharp eyes and dogs have sharp noses.
In critics' eyes, Mo Yan's works are dramatic with sharp languages and colorful characters.
It's easier to be successful for those who have sharp eyes and a creative mind.
He looked around and thought of what Mr. Chang had said, "A good painter needs sharp eyes and a creative mind."
I got a seat opposite a middle-aged man with sharp eyes, who kept watching a young woman in a window seat with a little boy on her lap.
Flowerdew, fell in love with Miss Sharp, being shot dead by a glance of her eyes.
Her appearance varies slightly from story to story, but she is usually described as having beady, snake-like eyes and long, sharp claws and fangs.
She had a decided mouth, a comical nose, and sharp, gray eyes, which appeared to see everything, and were by turns fierce, funny, or thoughtful.
And when he pierced with a sharp reed the dim eyes of the mole, they laughed, and when he cast stones at the leper they laughed also.
For a long moment, Walsh silently scanned the files with sharp blue eyes that, in Jack's experience, missed nothing.
Having a tip that's sharp or full of pencil fragments can tear the delicate rim of the eyes or expose you to harmful bacteria, causing a potential eye infection.
Broad-shouldered, balding, with a trim mustache, sharp features, piercing eyes.
The surgeon set to perform the procedures said it would not be too difficult because Zhang already has a sculpted face with a sharp nose and deep eyes, similar to Shakespeare.
The eyes on the picture of a real bill are sharp and clear; so there's another sign to watch for.
He felt a sharp pain, yelled out in terror, and opened his eyes.
This man seemed like being hungry for a long time and seemed to seek the food he liked, giving off a sharp and cruel expression in his eyes.
When photographing insects, for instance, it's essential for the eyes to be sharp.
Closing your eyes, fully experience that feeling of sharp pain within your being, and become the observer of that pain within you.
The male eagle seized the rabbbit with sharp craws and killed it. When getting ready to fly away, the scene before his eyes made him startled.
Sometimes young people are now looking at, talking about the cause, ideal, enraptured, eyes reveal a sharp light.
"Oh, heavenly!" said Miss Sharp, and her eyes went from the carpet straight to the chandelier.
Uncle Vernon sat back down, breathing like a winded rhinoceros and watching Harry closely out of the corners of his small, sharp eyes.
Show your sharp eyes, look at your teacher's certificate is true! Of course, to choose the right way, the right place!
Show your sharp eyes, look at your teacher's certificate is true! Of course, to choose the right way, the right place!