The matric characteristics and convergences on F-number space are investigated.
The aperture size (area of the aperture) of a lens could be calculated from focal length and the correspondent f-number.
F you don't know what this one means, the number does not apply to you. If you are not 31337 and want to know how to become 31337, Wikipedia has a good article on it here.
The elapsed time for completing the task becomes a function of the partition size f(1,000,000) versus a function of the total number of records to process f(100,000,000).
完成这项任务所耗的时间变成为分区大小的函数f(1,000,000),而不再是要处理的总记录数的函数 f(100,000,000)。
The -f option sets the maximum number of files, rounded to the nearest 16, for the cache directory.
A large opening (small f-stop number) gives you a very shallow DOF, and a small opening (big f-stop number) gives you a much deeper DOF.
The -f flag displays the identification number of the machine.
Sequence numbers that include other than hexadecimal number values (0-9, A-F)
包含比16 进制数值 (0-9, A-F) 更多内容的序列号
In addition, programmers have come up with all sorts of algorithms and tricks such as Alpha-Beta pruning, Negascout, and MTD(f) in order to lessen the number of nodes the computer must examine.
此外,程序员们也提出了很多算法和技巧来减少节点数目,比如阿尔法 贝塔剪枝算法(Alpha-Beta pruning),Negascout搜索算法以及MTD(全称是:Memory enhanced Test Driver,即记忆增强测试驱动,译者注)方法。
Portrait mode chooses a large aperture (a small 'f' number) which will make the depth of field (the amount of your shot in focus) smaller.
The Fibonacci numbers are an integer sequence where for a given number, the Fibonacci value can be calculated using: F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2).
Fibonacci 数列是一种整数序列,可以使用以下算式计算各个 Fibonacci值:F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)。
The -f flag displays the identification number of a partition in an LPAR configuration.
Defence chiefs are preparing drastic cuts to the number of American [F-35 JSF] stealth aircraft planned for the raf and the Royal Navy \ 's proposed new carriers, the Guardian has learned.
"Pilots are most impressed by the minimal number of hard switches in the F-35 cockpit," he explains.
“飞行员们对于F - 35座舱内减少到最低限度的硬件开关留下了深刻印象,”他解释说。
Any number of development tools can be used to compile and run the. F files found on this course site.
The focus is placed on the controlling of the time interval of the two pulses which are send to stepping-motor drivers and the calculation f the output - number for bits on the I/O card.
If you are a temporary resident in Sweden, you can apply to the tax Authority for a co-ordination number, which replaces the personal identity number and will allow you to apply for F-tax status.
如果你是在瑞典暂住,可以向税务部门申请一个协调号,它将代替人口号,允许你申请“F -税种”资格。
Resulted from the rebel against F. Hegel's philosophy, Kierkegaard, writing under a pseudonym in the form of a large number of books, arisen as a major origin of Modern Western ideologies.
The proposed tolerance system is complementary to the existing geometrical roundness tolerance system. A number of roundness assessment f…
The proposed tolerance system is complementary to the existing geometrical roundness tolerance system. A number of roundness assessment f…