Every time he stole a glance at the girls' side of the room Becky's face troubled him.
When we see each other, it's polite for boys to shake hands and for girls to kiss each other on the side of the face.
By training yourself to look on the bright side, you will gain more courage to face difficulties.
Our second study is about music, for this study researchers play music to babies through speakers located on either side of a human face.
For example, you can look into the sky and let the camera catch your side face.
She smiled and said, "Dad, there is a man's face on the other side of the map."
The cells have different sides, and one side must face the wall of the duct and the other must face the inner channel.
They may hesitate in the face of political pressure or an explicit decision to err on the side of inflation rather than deflation.
Walking in the human world, in the face from the side with the vision of the vast flow of people walked in, people can really love, but for the love and infatuated and also how much?
When you sleep on your side or stomach, you bury your face into the pillow, "pressing in" wrinkles and crevices.
Maybe I saw his face, maybe it was handsome enough, but what I noticed first, splayed on either side of the bag, were his shoes.
Or, you can break up a long oval face by parting your hair to one side.
Checking his work against other ancient and modern primates, Suwa rebuilt a virtual skull and made a mirror image of part of the face to create its missing left side (brown section).
A crash in Egypt had left one of his eyes badly damaged and one side of his face impassive.
Today's straight styles are parted on the side and pulled away from the face, said Tim Rogers, stylist and spokesman for Charles Worthington hair products and salons.
The final few pages of the book are not about history but the future, where "cataclysm looms on every side" as we face a finite supply of water but a growing pattern of excessive use.
该书的最后几页的内容与历史无关,而是关乎未来 -当我们面临水资源有限供给却依然过度消耗的时候,未来“灾难此起彼伏”。
Tilt: a side tilt will break up your square face lines. Don't push it too far back on your head.
But one of them got out of the car (the passenger side). The horrific 'melted face' was just not human.
Suddenly, his face lit up and he smacked himself on the side of the cheek and exclaimed, "Mom, I've already done that!"
Before going, he kneeled down and gave me a long kiss, pressing his palm against the side of my face, and said those three words that even the most cynical of us long to hear.
For example, the sign for sleep is to put both hands together, and then to place the hands flat against the right side of your face, and then to lower your head slightly to the right.
So that the face of a man was toward the palm tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side: it was made through all the house round about.
Lady Gaga staged a one-woman revival of Phantom of the Opera3 by wearing a gold mask across the left side of her face.
Social pessimists, though, face the dark side of what sociologist Robert K. Merton—who coined the expression 'self-fulfilling prophecy'—has called a 'reign of error'.
In the beginning of 'Titanic,' when Kate Winslet's Rose approaches the ship, you can see a mole on the left side of her face.
The first suspect was described as white, about 30, with a slim build, dark hair with a well-combed side parting, light stubble on his face and between 5ft 10 and 6ft tall.
Today, Mr. Nelson copes with extensive swelling in his face — a side effect of head and neck cancer treatment.
今天,纳尔逊先生脸部肿胀 ---头和颈部的癌症治疗引起的副作用
Take her to one side and offer her a lot of money, a face-saving story and a great reference, and usher her gently out of the door.
It is possible - and I have to make the admission - that I felt here were two grade-one thinkers standing side by side; yet I doubt if my face conveyed more than a formless awe.
It is possible - and I have to make the admission - that I felt here were two grade-one thinkers standing side by side; yet I doubt if my face conveyed more than a formless awe.