Zhang, however, decided to face up to the hardship, and not let the fate (命运) control his life.
Faced with the fate of not compromise, face difficulties do not retreat, so as to make their own hero.
Smiling face, not to complain, carefree, along with the gender, fate, doomed to let life change, only in one hundred, after the flower bloom time.
During the experiment, the unwilling participants will come to face disturbing truths about themselves and decide each others' fate in a game of dice.
Even though everything looks right to you, you don't know the fate of the movie when you face the audience and whether they agree or not.
No memories could be restored, as they have to face the fate of being "falsified" today, and serve the current spiritual demand of the subject of memory.
The defining challenge of the 21st century will be to face the reality that humanity shares a common fate on a crowded planet.
Education has become the key to determining a country's prospect or fate in the face of knowledge-economic challenge.
I have been saying that for a long time: they are about to face the same fate as Fiorentina.
A raven is perched outside my window to remind me of my fate, but I will readily face death as I have the realization that what I have done is right.
This reward awaits those who are brave enough to tempt fate and face the full wrath of the Lich King!
We can not control fate, but they can choose how to face the reality, so when the less fortunate, be sure to learn tolerance.
Resign to my fate, and face the world with a smile, and not make myself miserable.
I shall face you or any of your troops in single combat, with the winner to determine the fate of this inn.
I shall face you or any of your troops in single combat, with the winner to determine the fate of this inn.