If you are using Facebook, share your blog's feed in your Facebook news feed with the Notes application.
That way, the only thing you'll be plugged into afterward is each other, not your Facebook news feed or DVR queue.
When they decide to buy, an item is automatically posted on their Facebook news feed, alerting all of their Facebook friends about the deal.
Facebook is readying a new home page, news feed and functionality for corporate pages.
Facebook已经推出了一个新主页、新闻供应(news feed)以及企业页面功能。
The site gives members the option of sending an update to their friends with every purchase they make online — an extension of the news feed that tracks all the other things Facebook members do.
At the center of Facebook today is the news feed - a dynamic listing of the collective activity of all your friends.
Facebook现在的中心是新闻Feed –一个动态的展示你的朋友所做活动的列表。
That content is delivered in a "news feed" type interface that looks a little like Facebook or Twitter, but where message headlines can be expanded with a click for reading and viewing multimedia.
该内容以类似于Facebook和Twitter的news feed形式提供,但消息标题可通过点击来阅读完整内容并浏览多媒体。
Facebook allows users to filter their news feed based on content or user-defined groups.
The news feed is a hybrid of Twitter and Facebook, uploading pictures is a synch and it offers Huddles, a group chat feature built into Google +.
新闻提要部分混合了Twitter和Facebook,同步上传图片,并且提供内置于Google +的群聊功能。
On Friday, Facebook began rolling out changes to its news feed.
周五时,Facebook开始对news feed进行改版。
And because every time we join a network, post a link or make another friend it's immediately made visible to others via the News Feed, every Facebook act is a soliloquy to our anonymous audience.
因为每一次我们加入一个交际圈,增加一条超链接或者交另一个朋友,这项活动就立刻通过News Feed被其他的朋友看到,每一个facebook的行为是对我们不知名的观众的独白。
And because every time we join a network, post a link or make another friend it's immediately made visible to others via the News Feed, every Facebook act is a soliloquy to our anonymous audience.
因为每一次我们加入一个交际圈,增加一条超链接或者交另一个朋友,这项活动就立刻通过News Feed被其他的朋友看到,每一个facebook的行为是对我们不知名的观众的独白。