My only plea for a planet-ride among the white-skinned majority of this New World is the same facetious argument.
One facetious account said: 'This beautifully formed stone was obviously made with such detail and craftsmanship that the untrained eye would likely mistake it for a simple rock.
One facetious account said: 'This beautifully formed stone was obviously made with such detail and craftsmanship that the untrained eye would likely mistake it for a simple rock. Brilliant! '
Okay, so maybe we’re not as lazy I claim, and perhaps my nostalgia for a time I never lived is a little facetious.
While a little facetious, this is the kind of pseudo-scientific claim that marketing experts within the cosmetic industry have been using for years.
Facetious though this example may sound, it points to the important and often overlooked fact that whether a particular policy is desirable or not depends on its ultimate objectives.
I hope you are a mature and facetious man, I think sense of responsibility is important about a man. Have healthy heart and body.
Old Liu, he was always living in a single room after he divorced, and the facetious humoristic nature of him made a good relationship with his neighbors.
Mattie, encircled by facetious youths, and Bright as a blackberry under her spreading hat, was brewing coffee over a gipsy fire.
Mattie, encircled by facetious youths, and Bright as a blackberry under her spreading hat, was brewing coffee over a gipsy fire.