Most firms don't understand the operational cost of returns because these costs often get buried in the financial line items of facility operations.
Ideally, that demonstration facility would hit a cost of 5 cents or lower per kilowatt, giving coal-fired plants a run for their money.
His facility can churn out 5, 000 pairs of socks every hour at a cost of about 25 cents a pair, he says, which at current exchange rates still leaves him a tiny profit.
The district-level costs of delivering all five interventions were lower in the CDI districts, but no cost difference was found at the first-line health facility level.
Rebuilding a hospital that has been destroyed virtually doubles the initial cost of the facility.
At the facility level, it's more cost effective to run data centers at higher temperatures.
XPath is an XML facility that you can start to use at low cost: you might well already have it built in to the XML library with the development language you use.
Empirical estimation of cost functions requires statistical techniques which relate the cost of constructing or operating a facility to a few important characteristics or attributes of the system.
A method to reduce maintenance cost, improve maintenance efficiency and optimize maintenance teams by equips people and a facility in the process of vehicle maintenance is investigated.
The facility layout of manufacturing system is related closely with the production rate and cost, so the layout design is one of the key problems with which the designers must confront.
Compared with the conventional process, HCR could be efficiently reduce the construction cost of the wastewater treatment facility and mitigate the shortage of land resource.
Design a closed cycle deinking facility is technically feasible, the cost of the facility, however is high and not currently justifiable economically.
For the reactive power optimization during whole dispatching period, a new model and simplified method considering cost and times of facility adjustment is proposed.
The total cost under multi-stage facility layout contains the costs of facility re-location, material handling and area utilization, and the objective is to minimize the total cost.
This paper analyzes the design and implementation of an expert system, with case based reasoning, for the facility configuration and cost analysis of a large scale hydropower construction.
The facility layout research can help companies enhance flexible and competitive, increase the efficiency and reduce cost.
A lack of landing gear overhaul capacity created by the high cost of setting up an overhaul facility.
Please understand that even if you attend part of the conference, MCCA still needs to pay full cost on conference facility and speakers' travel fare.
The purpose of the registration fee is to cover cost of conference facility and speakers' travel cost.
And no matter where your facility is located, or how many facilities you have, our nationwide uniform best practices let us deliver the high-quality, cost-effective solutions you expect.
The results showed that adding 5% dose of fly ash when feeding wastewater into the filter bed, wastewater treatment capability of facility can be improved, and the operating cost can reduce also.
结果表明,在废水进滤床前,加入5 %的粉煤灰可提高设施的废水处理能力,并且可降低运行费用。
The Center is a medical camping facility that provides cost-free summer and weekend camps for seriously ill and disabled children and their families.
With the high turnover in the elder care industry, this particular training can cost tens of thousands of dollars per facility annually.
Moreover, the disinfectant permits that inoculation is carried out outside a sterile box, with facility and rapidity of operation, which shortens the working time and reduces the cost.
Moreover, the disinfectant permits that inoculation is carried out outside a sterile box, with facility and rapidity of operation, which shortens the working time and reduces the cost.