The facility manager may elect to include contractor personnel in plant operation or maintenance training, or hold separate classes for contractors.
The software supports discrete control thorough digital inputs and outputs (DIO) - this helps the facility manager to switch off loads that are not required.
Pharmaron today announced the appointment of Dr. Jufeng Wang, as Senior Vice President and Test Facility Manager (TFM) of its safety assessment facility in Beijing.
Work with the PMO manager and program manager to define what should be included in facilities and define and prioritize facility needs.
One manager had been fired for selling drugs, another was clearly using them, and a third had turned the basement of the facility into a toy-car museum.
When a device comes online, the device queue manager pulls messages from the store-and-forward facility.
Assist engineering manager to manage facility, equipment and engineering, to provide technical support and effective maintenance, to be involved in engineering project.
The plug-in update facility was completely rewritten in Eclipse V3.4, and it now uses the Equinox p2 framework instead of the update manager.
插件更新设备在EclipseV3.4 中已经完全重写,它现在使用Equinoxp2框架代替了原来的更新管理器。
"I think there is great, great potential here," says project manager Sameer Abu Zaid, as he toured the testing facility, the sound of the call to evening prayers echoing over the desert.
项目经历Sameer a buZaid在参观了测试设备时说:“我认为存在非常巨大的潜能。”那时,号召祈祷声音响彻彻整个沙漠。
You ensure that the audit facility is using asynchronous logging by setting the size of the AUDIT_BUF_SZ database manager parameter to 40
通过将数据库管理器参数 AUDIT_BUF_SZ的大小设置为40,确保审计功能将使用异步日志记录
File undo - the org.springframework.roo.file.undo module provides a file undo facility for use by the process manager.
fileundo—org. springframework . roo . file . undo模块提供文件撤消工具,供进程管理器使用。
For calling existing, unchanged IMS transactions, optimized local adapters provide a facility for making calls over IMS Open transaction Manager Access (OTMA).
对于调用现有的、未更改的IMS事务来说,优化的本地适配器提供一个工具,可以通过IMSOpenTransactionManagerAccess (otma)进行调用。
He has worked as an accountant for the Florida State Department of Education, as Business Manager of a community mental health facility, and in various other management positions.
Marketing Communications Manager will be equipped a full knowledge of the hotel service and facility to introduce the hotel to the media personnel and answer inquiries raised.
After the test scans, the manager of the facility informed me that something abnormal had been observed during the procedure.
The manager of the MRI facility offered to refer me to a local neurosurgeon for further investigation.
A year ago, my then-new job entailed communicating with a manager from another facility.
Identify the television facility that will be of most use to your Rotary club and make contact with the Station Manager, Community Service Manager, and other appropriate employees.
The hotel manager: A room with a nice, cosy feel, a pleasant environment, and a desirable facility for privacy.
AMS Machinery Manager provides instant review of the condition of critical mechanical equipment, making this value-added information readily available to key decision-makers in the facility.
AMS Machinery Manager provides instant review of the condition of critical mechanical equipment, making this value-added information readily available to key decision-makers in the facility.