Falling stockpiles of steel in China are another factor driving mills to ramp up steel production, traders say.
Datacenter and server consolidation projects have also been a driving factor towards green computing, as these projects easily leverage many of the benefits of green computing.
Rising inflation is a key factor driving the emerging market currencies and precious metals.
The goal is to allow passengers to converse in a normal speaking voice between front and rear rows while traveling, a small and important factor in a pleasant driving experience.
Precipitation as a driving factor is something of a radical shift.
The first driving factor for the site was backward compatibility with older browsers.
The second driving factor was the consistent appearance of the pages across browsers.
One factor driving the shift in costs: productivity.
Another factor driving up food prices is the controversial biofuels industry.
Climate change is a big driving factor behind his warning and, in Fenner's opinion, we've passed the point of no return.
Good performance is necessarily a driving factor in the design of Saxon, second only to conformance with the XSLT specification.
The major driving factor in the rising interest in rest is attributed to the success of the Web - the largest software system ever created.
Urban driving increases the demand for processing power by a factor of four, he reckons, but merely installing more powerful computers and software will not guarantee success.
But the driving factor, most economists agree, has been technological change and the consequent lowering of demand for middle-skilled workers.
Combined with our model, this evidence suggests that speculative bubbles were an important factor driving prices in cities with boom-bust cycles.
"It is a very good culture. We support the women, " says Wazir, dismissing the notion that family abuse and despondency could be the main factor driving patients to his burn center.
Our ability to produce a high-quality 3G mobile phone at a competitive price was a driving factor for SinoHub in securing this order.
Official figures of productivity growth, which should in theory be an important factor driving currency movements, exaggerate America's lead.
When driving slowly around town, where drag is less of a factor, keeping Windows and sunroofs open typically USES less fuel than running the ac.
The reason is that the Leo is usually practical and works with mind, while the driving factor of Geminis is the heart.
Another factor, especially driving the price of silver is the approval of Barclay's new silver fund.
Now what’s driving it is the institutional self-interest factor, where bigger pools mean you’re more popular, you’re better.
Now what's driving it is the institutional self-interest factor, where bigger pools mean you're more popular, you're better.
But that result was better than expected, and Gartner said the continued growth of low-cost laptops was a driving factor.
The fourth driving factor of ROI for SaaS is somewhat similar to the first.
It is a critical factor affecting the driving safety of vehicles.
Any one of the new systems can not be perfect when they are set up. Of course, the transformation of concept is a fundamental driving factor, but the legislation improvement should be priority.
Any one of the new systems can not be perfect when they are set up. Of course, the transformation of concept is a fundamental driving factor, but the legislation improvement should be priority.