Another feature is the stability of the equilibrium factor score.
Go on to compare in arrangement in an order to 10 economic indicator of city through factor score finally.
The total score and factor scores in students of training major were obviously lower than other three majors of college students.
All the factor score of SCL-90 in this sample except for poor relationship with others is not difference between the cause group and the norm.
本组样本scl- 90各因子分均值与常模比较,除人际关系因子分均值低于常模,差异具有显著性外,其它因子均统计学差别。
The results indicated that subjects average symptom score and all factor scores of SCL-90 were significantly higher than that of the Chinese norm.
结果表明:样本的SCL- 90总均分和各因子分均显著高于国内常模评分。
Through the factor analysis method, extracts the comprehensive public factor variables which can represent most of the factors, and obtains each factor score.
Total score, factor scores including sleep quality, sleep disorder, day function of PSQI were significantly positively correlated with standard scores of SAS and SDS.
"Internet addiction cause" and "Internet addiction scores" scores and alienation scale "social alienation" and "interpersonal alienation" factor score were significant correlation.
He found that those who call themselves lucky score higher on the personality factor of extraversion.
Relevancy enhancement: Use the distance as a boost factor in the score while allowing other factors to play a role too.
Researchers from Pennsylvania found that a high IQ score required both high intelligence and high motivation but a low IQ score could be the result of a lack of either factor.
The interval number is adopted in single factor evaluation weight, synthetic evaluation weight, every index score and evaluation grade to make evaluation more conform to practice.
Methods the factors were extracted by principal component analysis and rotated by Varimax, then calculated the factor loading and the score of common factors.
Results the mental health of drug addicts was worse than that of normal people, and somatization, depression, anxiety and psychopathy in the factor of SCL -90 had high proportion in high score field.
结果毒品依赖者的心理健康状况明显较正常人差,在SCL - 90的因子分中,躯体化、抑郁、焦虑和精神病性高分的比例较大,而性别、有无职业和是否独居的得分无显著性差异。
In English study, the intelligence factor of students plays an important role on score, but the non intelligence factor cant be neglected.
Multiple factor analysis of score of GWB in stroke patients: After stroke the general well-being was affected by patient's condition, various social psychic factor and data factor of demography.
Difficulty is the backbone of a set of movement and the only factor to decide technical value score for a whole set of movement.
And the content, the goal are the main body essential factors, the topic, the difficulty are derive essential factor, the score, the length, the time limit are dependent elements.
The age is the main risk factor for cognitive deterioration. High family relationship score is related to cognitive improvement.
On this score, London looks much better than Athens, which overspent by a factor of far more than two—and the great record-breaker, Montreal, whose citizens were paying for the 1976 games for decades.
In this paper factor analysis method and SPSS software were utilized to analyze the grades of two-school-year tests in one class, and a reasonable list was gained according to the general score.
Results were that SD didn't affect the factor structure, but it influenced scale score, and the size of system error that was produced by SD was different between two groups.
Results the score of body, blues, terror factor and the general score of newly enrolled cadets' group is remarkably higher than the contrasted group.
Results the symptom factors of the poverty university students were higher than that of the ordinary university students. The score of depression factor was obviously different.
结果SCL - 90各症状因子贫困生高于普通大学生,抑郁因子有显著差异,贫困生心理异常人数高于普通大学生近5 %。
In the paper, a real data sample is analyzed by two methods, and the results are compared. On regular teaching factor and total score, the two methods lead to opposite conclusions.
The 1-5-grade scoring system was adopted, and the statistic analysis indexes included total score, score of each dimension and factor the more the scores, the better the quality of life.
采用1 ~ 5分的5级评分方式,统计分析指标包括总分、各维度分和因子分;评分越高,表明生活质量是越好。
The factor of appealing is non significant correlative with total score of life quality, body function, mental function, social function and material life(P>0.05);
The factor of appealing is non significant correlative with total score of life quality, body function, mental function, social function and material life(P>0.05);